WoI Response: Mine! (a drabble)

Jul 28, 2013 16:50

Title: Mine!
Author: zea_taylor
Series/Verse: G1
Prompt: WoI 47, prompt 3 "Combine the use of in media res with the format of a drabble or double drabble. Bonus points for the use of 2 or more of the following words: scream, explosion, rend, bubble, flake, hem, demon, hair, cavity, fair."
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or situation here - they belong to Hasbro

A/N: I posted this 100 word drabble in a comment thread, but maybe it should be an entry of its own. Comments are welcome!

"Back off!" The rifle was familiar in Ratchet's servos, but never comfortable. Holding it to another Autobot's chestplate... that was new. "He's mine!"

Sideswipe trembled behind him. In front, Ironhide's cannon scorched the air, his optics scarlet with irrational fury.

Oh, it had been funny, Ironhide's scream audible even here. Even now a bubble of foam trickled down the mech's leg. But a prank wasn't worth Sideswipe's spark. Ratchet stood his ground, praying Ironhide would regain his senses and realise that.

Twenty long spark-beats passed.

Optics faded to blue, Ironhide subspaced his weapon with a scowl.

"You're welcome to him."

character: ironhide, rating: pg, wrench of inspiration: fills, character: ratchet, fanfiction

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