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Sep 07, 2006 21:00

So, I, because I get really bored in *insert class here*, write fic rather than actually pay attention. Since I am really lazy, I do not actually type these up and post them when I finish them. Therefore I decided that since I have spare time, I'm going to do this now.

Title (Working): Blood Brothers Prologue
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: Naruto, Mid-Time Jump
Rating: PG-13? (May get higher)
Pairing(s): Kyuubi/Naruto, Itachi/Naruto, Itachi/Naruto, Itachi/Kyuubi/Naruto, Yondaime/Naruto, Yondaime/Kyuubi, Yondaime/Kyuubi/Naruto, possible future Sasuke/OC, squint for hints of Orochimaru/Naruto, Orochimaru/OC, Orochimaru/Sasuke, Sasuke/Naruto, Itacki/Sasuke
Warning(s): Threesome, Yaoi, Possible Future Shota, Incest, OC, Strangness

Comments: Probably won't be updated much, as the rest of the fic will need to have Sasuke as the vehicle of the narrator, and I shudder away from writing him.

There was a lightning storm that night. No rain, but oppressive flashes of light, and it was only when the lightning flashed that anything could be seen.

Flash - Mayhem, panic, people rushing about madly.

Flash - A red monster, towering above.

Flash - A man, frantic, with a motionless infant in his arms.

Flash - Nine tails, pulverizing all they touch.

Flash - Three women, crushed beneath a falling tree.

Flash - The baby, so still and cold, laid in a circle.

Flash - A tiny figure lying, golden, behind the giant fox’s left ear, silent, like the baby.

Flash - An enormous frog and a man in a white coat, hands moving furiously.

Flash - Masked figures, holding back a child bleeding from the face.

Flash - Goggles, strapped to the forehead of a dead man.

Flash - Eyes, widened in horror, watching a man clothed in a white coat of flame fall from the head of a frog.

Flash - Empty space where the fox had been, thousands of confused villagers.

Flash - Blood, everywhere, all over the baby, in its mouth, on its cheeks, swirled on its belly.

Flash - and the storm finally broke, rain pouring down on the already sodden battlefield. A rumble of thunder, and then an infant’s cry rose over the town. The bloody baby, his blue eyes screwed up tight, wailing his heart out. The rain washed the blood from his body, revealing three vaguely diagonal lines on each cheek and a dark spiral on his belly.

He cried throughout the night, until, at dawn, an old man, moving tiredly, horribly burdened by the weight of his hat, found the child and picked him up. The old man sighed, and his eyes move to the baby’s stomach, where only a faint gray outline of the whorl lingered, as he watched, it faded, until no trace of it remained.

Title: Ineluctability Chapter Three
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: Yu Gi Oh, AU from Battle City
Rating: PG-13?
Pairing(s): Yami Bakura/Yuugi, Yami Marik/Yuugi, Yami Yuugi (Atemu)/Yuugi, squint for hints of Puzzle/Yuugi
Warning(s): Yaoi, Shota?, DarkFic, Probable OOC, Fan!Japanese, Cliché, Character Death
Previous Chapters: Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two

Comments: Has been sitting in the back of my notebook forever, so older writing, but I already have it planned out, and only need to type it up.

There was most definitely something wrong with his hikari, and Atemu knew it. Since that day when he had found Yuugi sleeping at his desk, the boy had been acting increasingly strange. He didn’t seem to be happy when he was with their friends anymore; He only sat and stared into space unless he was dueling, and even his dueling style seemed to have changed.

On the days that Yuugi didn’t come with them to the arcade, which were more often than not, he would go straight to his room. Sometimes Atemu could swear that he heard Yuugi talking and laughing with someone, but when he checked, the boy would be alone. I t made Atemu uneasy. He felt as if he and his beloved hikari were growing apart. When the puzzle picked this thought from Atemu’s mind, it gave the mental equivalent of a snort and passed thought along to Bakura and Marik, who found it inordinately amusing. It was then that they decided upon their plan for revenge.

Title (Working): Wraith in Luster Prologue
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: FFVII, Advent Children
Rating: PG-13?
Pairing(s): Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Cloud, Aeris/Cloud (Yes, Aeris tops), Vincent/Cloud, Zack/Aeris/Cloud, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud, Sephiroth/Vincent/Zack/Cloud, Sephiroth/Zack/Aeris/Vincent/Cloud, possible Sephiroth/Triplets, Triplets/Cloud, Sephiroth/Triplets/Cloud, Sephirtoh/Triplets/Cloud, Denzel/Cloud squint for hints of Chaos/Cloud, Jenova/Cloud, Gaia/Cloud, Ifalna/Cloud, Lucretia/Cloud, Mistral (Cloud's Mom)/Cloud, Hojo/Cloud, Hojo/Zack, Hojo/Vincent, Hellmasker/Cloud, Galiean Beast/Cloud, Death Gigas/Cloud
Warning(s): Mindrape, Yaoi, Angst, Fivesome, Convolution, Run-on Sentences, Gore, Strangeness

Comments: Cloud's mental names for people are italicized every other word for easier reading. They other slurred words are not, as they are supposed to run together. This is my main fic at the moment, because I'm writing it so as I won;t have to write Sasuke's point of view.

Cloudbreaking was not quite aware of anything other than the shining figures at the church door. His entire being was focused on them, and he didn’t even notice Tifascolding’s worried glance or the vague thought tendrils form Chaossleeping and the faint echoes from Vincenttrusted and the others, Hellmaskerwailing and such, or, farther back, Jenovawaiting and Gaiawatching. All he could see were Aerislost and Zackthatwas, and they turned and left him.

He couldn’t take it, not after the debacle earlier with Sephirothfallen and theThreewhowerecrying, and so all of a sudden Cloudbreaking became Cloudbroken. As he fell back into Aerislost’s beautiful shining water, and into the puzzledarkness of his own mind, he could see gleeful Yuffiestealing become Yuffiescreaming, and Denzellostalone the same as always, but that was wrong, he had been Denzeljoyous just a few moments ago. In the back of his puppetmind he could seefeelhear Vincenttrusted go into shock and the roar of Chaossleeping becoming Chaoswaking becoming Chaosrampant.

Aerislost and Zackthatwas were back again, but she was shedding her radiant, sanative tears, and he was shouting, and even Sephirothfallen was there, watching, with the shadow of theThreewhowerecrying behind him. Jenovawaiting was laughing and laughing, and Gaiawatching was saying something, but Cloudbrokenfalling couldn’t hear her over the awful sound of the laughter, and then the broken puzzle pieces were no more than shatterglass and kaleidoscopesand, or maybe just buried in them, and then everything was dark.

Title (Working): In the Dreaming
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: Origithing
Rating: PG-13?
Warning(s): Metaphors, Strangeness, Character Death

Comments: Written because I was bored, heavily influenced by S-cry-Ed anime, not the manga, the manga is different, and the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.

She was dreaming. She knew this. In her dream, she was falling. It was warm in her dream. Warm and damp, and there was a strange, flickering orange light, as if fires raged just below her. She was afraid. She was so terribly afraid, frightened she would fall into the flames. If she fell to the fires, she would die, consumed by their ceaseless wrath.

She was dreaming. She knew this. In her dream, she was drowning. It was cold in her dream. Cold and wet, and there was a strange, faded light, as if the moon was shining far away, above the water. She was afraid. She was caught beneath the water, and she would die, unable to escape from the water’s clutching hands.

She was dreaming. She knew this. In her dream, she was dying. It was strange, in her dream. There were bright colors, and the jagged edges of broken mirrors. Light ran, ferocious, through it, bouncing off the mirrors and colors, and where the light ended, its edges were as sharp as a knife.

She was dreaming. She knew this. In her dream, she was dreaming, and in her dream of a dream, she was flying.

Title (Working): While the Moon Watched Prologue
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: Origithing
Rating: PG-13?
Warning(s): Shota, Threesome, Violence, Mythology, Metaphors, Strangeness

Comments: It's been in my head for a while, but I won't work on it till I'm done with fanfic. By this I mean until I kill all the bunnies. It will take awhile. Influenced by No Rest for the Wicked.

Will was waiting by the pool where the moon lay trapped. Artemas had asked Will to watch her, and so he was. She lay under the water, unmoving beneath the shadow of the boulder. She did not seem distressed by her imprisonment, but smiled gently at Will, shining serenely. At the moment, she was looking off towards the east, something in that direction having apparently caught her attention. When Will glanced eastward, he also saw, a figure approaching, with an unlit lantern held in one hand.

Will watched it for a moment, as the figure was strangely familiar, but then turned back to the moon. His eyes widened slightly with surprise as he realized she staring at him intently. He blinked, and she was smiling at him again, before closing her eyes and seemingly falling asleep. Will knew better, everyone knew the moon never slept, but if it leased her to pretend sleep he would not interfere. He smiled briefly, humorlessly, and resumed waiting.

Eventually, just as the sun was setting, the figure reached the moon’s pool and stopped. He, for it was a he, look from the girl in the pool to the boy in tree above her and back again. The moon opened her dark blue eyes and smiled at him, then once again feigned sleep. It was a strange smile, different from those she had bestowed on Will, a smile of recognition. The man looked back up at Will. “Greetings, stranger,” he said, and Will stiffened. “For what reason might you have imprisoned my lady the moon?”

“It was not I,” said Will. “I have merely been asked to watch your lady.” He paused a moment, then continued. “I will soon go. If you have any business with her, please conduct it then.” He glanced at the sun, barely peeking above the horizon, and lit his lantern.

The man chuckled. “You’re an odd one. Would you mind coming down from your tree and lending me a light?”

Will looked at the man, the moon, and the sun. “Perhaps,” he eventually replied, “when the sun has set.” The moon was watching him again, Will noticed, and the man was staring, but Will was good at ignoring the things he didn’t want to deal with, and so he watched the fading of the light.

When the clearing was lit only by Will’s lantern and the eerie, rippling light of the drowned moon, Will swung himself down from the oak tree and walked over to the man. With a flourish, the man pulled a candle from his lantern and presented it to Will, who lit it from his own lantern and returned it.

“You are beautiful,” said the man, tracing one finger along Will’s cheek. “Will you tell me you’re name?”

Will stepped back. “I was once told,” he began, “that it was impolite to ask a name before giving one’s own.” He stepped back once more, and was almost lost in the shadow of his oak tree. “Were you not raised to be polite?”

The man smiled. “I am called Jack of the Lantern,” he said. “Have you heard of me?” Will smiled as well, polite responses having been engrained in him since childhood, and turned his head to where another figure approached. It was a woman, an impossibly thin, tall woman, with red hair, not the rust red of Will’s, but a pale, almost orange color. Everything about her was stretched, tired and as she drew closer, it became apparent that she was crying.

Jack froze. “What is it?” he asked Will. “Is something wrong with her?” He moved towards her, and touched a hand to her sleeve. “Madame, has something happened?” She looked down at him, tears streaming down her face, then opened her mouth and screamed.

Jack reeled back, away from her, but Will rushed forward, and placed his hand on her shoulder, his pale skin contrasting with her dark green dress and even paler skin, and threw his other arm around her waist in an awkward hug. “Shhh, my lady, it’s alright. Shhh, he’s already dead, you don’t need to mourn him; it’s alright.” Eventually, with his constant reassurances, she calmed and fell into a light sleep, leaning against the boy.

Jack stared at them. “What was that?” he asked.

Will looked up at him. “The lady Mllquolian,” he replied, tilting his head to the woman in his arms, “is a bainsidhe, a tear daemon, like you, the Wanderer, are first of the willowisps. My poor lady felt it, that you would die painfully, and tried to warn you, but you are already dead, and she didn’t understand that.” He looked down at her, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “She’ll be alright when she wakes.” Tilting his head to the side, he listened for a moment, then nodded and gently laid Mllquolian down, resting her head on the root of his tree. “My Mistress is calling me,” he said, and began to leave. “Will you watch the moon for me until Artemas comes? I must do as my Mistress requests.”

“I will.” Will smiled wanly, and took a few steps, only to turn as Jack continued. “I will on the condition that you give me your name, as I have been polite enough to give you mine.”

“My name is Will,” he said, and leaned his hand on the oak tree, “Will of the Wisps.” With that he moved swiftly, darting to the side, out of Jack’s sight. Jack gave a startled gasp and rushed to where Will had been, but when he got there, the boy was nowhere to be seen.

I have more origithings, an anthromorporphic epic and a fantasy quest thing being the primary ones, but I don't think I'll write those up any time soon unless I'm poked. So, what do you all think?

fic, naruto, origithings, ygo, ffvii

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