October, Mark Five

Oct 07, 2009 02:36

Title: Brynhild
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Rating: PG for mention of harsh language
Pairing: Blink and miss it Squalo/Dino

Title: Brynhild
Author: Rei Mei Juunana
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Rating: PG for mention of harsh language
Pairing: Blink and miss it Squalo/Dino

For what seemed the millionth time that day, Dino cursed otters. If the world had no otters, there wouldn’t be kelp forests, and if there were no kelp forests-

Well. It would be a different matter untangling himself from a single strand of kelp.

He tugged uselessly at a particularly knotted tangle around the boneleaf protruding from his hip. Just as it had the past three times, the tangle refused to be moved, and Dino remained stuck. It wasn’t as though he were trying to makes things harder for Squalo, but Dino knew the shark would take it as a personal offence that he’d managed to get caught again.

For the fourth time in three days.

Dino tugged again, and cursed. Squalo would probably let him sit and rot if he knew. His patience had limits, and those didn’t even stretch enough for him to slow down to let Dino catch up, much less wait the hours it would take to dent this mess. And Squalo was the only one on this section of the coastline for miles.

Reborn could have him out in half the time it took for an anemone to close, but the old magician would probably say that Dino deserved it and make the kelp even more stubborn.

Dino gave on last, fruitless pull at the kelp and closed his eyes. He had been born in this form, the clumsy relative of a sea horse, and so felt most comfortable wearing it, but a nykr could change shape at will. Dino concentrated, his fins stilling in deep thought, and slowly his form blurred.

Two legs burst from the join between his stomach and his scales, dun colored fur and pale fetlocks. His tail stretched and twisted, and Dino reveled in its’ flexibility. His boneleaves melted away into one long, small fin, running the length of his spine down to the great fan of his caudal fins.

He flexed, kelp slipping smoothly away from limbs no longer there to catch, and launched himself in exactly to opposite direction than he wanted to go.

He muttered to himself as he sought his way back to the edge of the forest, voice a low angry hum. He so seldom took any shape other than his accustomed that he had terrible trouble with coordinating all the new muscles.

After a somewhat daring maneuver around an otter, worthless overgrown rat, Dino finally managed to orient himself in the direction he knew was back toward the deep sea. Three swift strokes of his tail sent him moving at a rate he never reached in his primary form, to smash directly into an egg case.

He cursed, again, and looked up into startled brown eyes. The purse’s inmate was hovering just beyond the skin.

fic, october, khr

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