Aug 28, 2005 11:27
So....I started yet another new med to try and control the headaches. Turns out I was allergic to the last one. It really isn't a psych med but I have tried so many different things I feel like I might need a psych med before this is all said and done :/
Brian and I went driving all over Gods green earth yesterday to find a house we were interested in. Of course the thing with MLS houses is that they don't give you a specific address just directions to the street it is on and when you are looking out in the country that can be an adventure in and of itself. So we go driving out towards Mt Hood and find the street only to see that it dead ends into Rainbow Trout Farm???? HUH??? So we turn around and drive down all these little drive ways thinking one of them HAS to lead to this house....WRONG! I go down this one long drive way and the brush is barely clearing the car and when I realize it just dead ends I stop and start to back up and a HUGE ASS dog comes running up to the window on the passenger side and is barking WOOF WOOF!!! Brian and I both about pissed ourselves! Luckily there was a fence and he had to stop about 5 feet from the car...WHEW! In the porcess of backing up I ran over a stump and got stuck...GREAT! I can't find the house we are looking for but let me tear up the car in the process! We got unstuck and said FUCK IT and drove home after stopping by STARBUCKS for a green tea frap. I smoked two cigs on the way home I was so pissed!
Today we were going to go check out some open house BUT...since my internet has been down 90% of the time I called the repair people to come look and see if they can do something. They will be here between 12-5. Thanks for ruining my day off and making me stay home...FUCKERS! I hate paying so much for the interenet only to have it NOT WORK!!! Should be fun when we do find that house in the country!!!