Wrench of Inspiration #41 - ROUND ROBIN issue

Mar 27, 2013 20:46

1. A song... Comfortably Numb- Live by Pink Floyd. Lyrics here.

--- And for everyone's amusement... Transformers do Gangnam Style. Alludes to Optimus/Elita, but no other pairings. Despite this, it's pretty amusing so highly recommended if you have a chance to watch ( Read more... )

kink: prompts, wrench of inspiration: prompts

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fuzipenguin March 28 2013, 00:48:13 UTC
I've tentatively set this in G1, just to give has a base to work with. Here you go ( ... )


*jumps in* I can't resist.... wildernessfan March 28 2013, 12:12:55 UTC
Sunstreaker couldn't help but smile (at least internally, wouldn't do to ruin his reputation by actually smiling in public) at Ratchet's rant. And Sideswipe? Well, Sideswipe deserved it. Where did the mech get off on waving his own arm at the medic. He was lucky Ratchet hadn't snatched it out of grip and belted him over the helm with it... oh wait ( ... )


Re: *jumps in* I can't resist.... ledishae March 31 2013, 01:30:08 UTC
Sunstreaker nodded silently as Sideswipe trailed off. It would be nice to see Ratchet smile at them when they came in from the battle field. Those cobalt blue optics could light up seeing that they had come back in one piece. The medic could open his arms wide and welcome them home - Or even just a simple smile and some assistance to a med berth.
It would be nice, Ratchet actually showing spark felt concern for their injuries. He could fuss over their injuries while crooning over their feats in battle - wait, croon?
Sunstreaker shook his helm as his processors suddenly took a turn to the insane side as images of Ratchet simpering over every little scrape and dent flooded his aching helm. Glaring in the direction of his twin Sunstreaker could only sigh as Sideswipe slumped from anesthesia Ratchet had given  him. 
Sunstreaker huffed silently and leaned back on the berth, relaxing as much as he could as he watched the spectacle of Ratchet in full medic mode.


... if no one else is going to.... wildernessfan April 5 2013, 12:33:31 UTC
Ratchet barely glanced at Sunstreaker as he worked on reattaching Sideswipe's arm. Now that Sideswipe's pain was under control, he could work out exactly how much of the pain he'd been feeling was his. And it was more than he wanted. His knees ached, probably from that impact with the ground (why he let Sideswipe continually talk him into Jet Judo, he would never work out). Not to mention the slight fuzziness around the edge of his vision. That was slowly creeping inwards...
"Frag!" Ratchet snarled the curse as he watched Sunstreaker fall sideways onto the berth. Leaving Sideswipe's arm half attached, he hurried to check on the other Twin.
"Fragging glitching son of a retrorat, why didn't you tell me you were this badly injured?" Ratchet muttered to Sunstreaker's offline form, hurriedly attaching lines for energon and coolant and monitoring his systems.


Apologies for the length ... ledishae April 8 2013, 02:13:00 UTC
Ratchet found himself once more working feverishly over both of the twins. Once again they were slagged to the Pit and back, still kicking but barely. He huffed and groused over their frames sending the least wounded fleeing from the bay though he barely noticed ( ... )


Looks like it's just you and me... wildernessfan April 17 2013, 13:31:29 UTC
Ratchet froze as he admitted his feelings to himself.
"Ratchet?" Wheeljack looked up, concerned at the sudden silence.
"I'm fine." Shaking his head, Ratchet refocussed his attention on the work at hand. Once they were fixed, he could muse on that realisation. And decide what he could or couldn't do.

"Guh, did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me?" Sideswipe groaned.
"Devastator." Sideswipe smiled, even though his optics were offline. That voice was as familliar to him as his own brother's.
"Don't you 'Ratch'' me." Ratchet growled and Sideswipe onlined his optics in alarm. He could feel Sunstreaker's steady presence in his spark, so that wasn't the problem. He turned his head to find Ratchet sitting at the side of his berth, looking far worse than he'd ever seen the medic look.
"Ratch'?" This time, Sideswipe's voice was full of concern.
"You two don't even have any idea, do you?" Was Ratchet's muttered reply.


Alone again ledishae April 22 2013, 03:51:55 UTC
Sideswipe stared at Ratchet with growing alarm. His optics cast about the dark, empty med bay and realized it was just the three of them. Just this once, Sides found himself Prowl or Ironhide were here ( ... )


*pushes them back together* wildernessfan April 25 2013, 13:41:34 UTC
"And us." Sunstreaker murmured. They hadn't left when the medic had told them to, and had heard everything Ratchet muttered to himself. Ratchet looked up in shock. He'd been so intent on his own recriminations that he hadn't heard either of them move, or the door sliding open. Yet here they were, standing in his office, plating bright depsite the darkness of his office.
"You're not alone." Sideswipe added. "Not if you don't want to be." Sunstreaker rolled his optics.
"What my idiot brother is trying to say, is that we like you Ratchet."
"Really like you." Sideswipe put in.


Re: *pushes them back together* ledishae April 28 2013, 19:17:42 UTC
Ratchet stared in mute surprise as his spark simultaneously rose at Sunstreaker's stoic promise - and sank with Sideswipe's leer. Feeling blindsided as the brothers point-blank destroyed his delusion his emotions were one-sided, nervous and expecting a peal of mocking laughter from the red prankster, Ratchet stood to face the pair. "You really like me?" He queried flatly his narrowed optics making the pair back up in alarm.
"Uh, yes?" Sideswipe replied with bright, hopeful optics as Sunstreaker's tentative emotions bled from his features.
"Slag, you're serious." Suddenly feeling defeated and helpless Ratchet sank back into his chair, vents hitching in exhaustion.
"You need to take better care of yourself," Sunstreaker's hand appeared in Ratchet's line of sight setting down a cube of medical grade energon.
"Truce?" Sideswipe asked softly at Ratchet's side. The medic looked to the pair once more leaning casually in the doorway, each slowly sipping their cubes.
"So," Ratchet sighed, "How's this supposed to work?"


Re: *pushes them back together* wildernessfan May 1 2013, 14:36:39 UTC
"Well, when one mech loves another..." Sideswipe began, only to break off as Sunstreaker thwapped him upside the helm.
"He doesn't mean like that, idiot. I'd think out of all the mechs on the Ark, a medic would know how to do that" Sunstreaker growled. Sideswipe smiled weakly ( ... )


Re: *pushes them back together* ledishae May 10 2013, 00:45:20 UTC
"Do you two have any clue why I kick you out of here the instant repairs are finished?" Ratchet asked lowly, optics dim ( ... )


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