Twin Peaks Watch Along: The Return Part Seventeen

Dec 08, 2021 09:11

Second to last episode!
Twin Peaks: The Return - Part Seventeen
Jumping back in with Albert, Tammy, and Gordon following on from the death of Evil Dianne. We get a very tenuous explanation of 'Judy' the kinda reminds me of Hold The Door from GOT.
Gordon gets word Cooper is headed for Twin Peaks, let's hit the road!
At the Sheriff station we have our usual parade of idiots down in the cells as things start converging on our sleepy little town. We now have the kid with the glove in the cells as well.

Over at the Great Northern, Jerry is somehow in a cell in Wyoming. Oh Jerry...
Evil Dale has made has made his way to what appears to be an entrance to the Black Lodge? Time to go home, Evil Dale... Looks like he's hanging out with The Giant, looking at some crazy-assed slide show? Oh Lynch...
In a world of old and new colliding, Evil Dale has arrived at the Twin Peaks Sheriff's station, Hello Andy. There appears to be some mischief transpiring.
As usual, Lucy is great.
Good scene between Truman and Cooper. Just as shit is about to pop off in the cells, Glove Kid saves Andy.
And in a crazy, quick flurry, we get Evil Dale about to kill Truman who receives a call from Cooper. As the penny drops, Evil Dale is shot by Lucy as he gets ready to shoot Truman. It's a whole turn of events...
Cooper arrives just in time to see Evil Dale get clawed at by a bunch of Woodsmen. Crazy lynch shit ensues including the appearance of BOB. In a weird moment even for this show, Glove Kid/Freddie smashes the orb/BOB into a flaming hole and smashes it to pieces.
Cooper places the ring on Evil Dale who disappears to the Black Lodge.
It's just another Twin Peaks day. Where's the donuts?

More hokey visual effects with the Girl with the plaster scene face turning into I guess Real Dianne. It's like Blue Velvet again.

Cooper opening a door and meeting MIKE who appears to have taken him to meet Jeffries. Nice black and white shot here.

And then we're back to the night of Laura's murder. It's good seeing Laura treating James like shit again. Never forget how much of an annoying dick he is in the original run. And screaming that she loves him before running off just to mess with him a little more-_- Now piss off, James.
Awww, Leo and Ronnette! And who does Laura meet in the woods, but good ol' FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper!
Pan to the next morning and Laura's body (wraaaaapped in plaaaaastic) disappears and Laura is "going home".

We get the opening shots of the first episode, finally Pete can go for a peaceful spot of fishing and Josie can get up to he general scheming.
Over at the Palmer house, I guess in present day, Sarah is freaking out and attacking the iconic photo of Laura.
We end with Cooper leading Laura through the woods before she disappears in a loud scream?
Where's Laura gone?
No musical guest today, the credits role to some classic Julee Cruise.

Wow, huge episode! This has to be one of my favourites of the season. Despite Cooper coming back last episode, this feels like his real return.
Only one episode left...
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