Twin Peaks Watch Along: The Return Part Thirteen

Nov 08, 2021 09:16

We're jumping back in...

Twin Peaks: The Return - Part Thirteen
Crazy shit going on at Dougie's work, the Mitchums come bearing gifts...
Very Lynch shot of the new gym set in Dougie's backyard.

Jump to Montana, we haven't seen Evil Dale for a while. Evil Dale, Champion Arm-wrestler. It's a bad day for Ray. Ray, sent by Phillip Jefferies to kill Evil Dale, had we been told this before? I can't remember. Is that Laura's ring? And is that Richard Horne now showing up at the gang headquarters? Good grief, I really lost track of the plot in the months I wasn't able to watch. Bye, Ray.
Ray's in the Black Lodge now? And is Evil Dale going to Twin Peaks?

Vegas police station, is that an old school pencil sharpener on the desk? These cops not responding to some clear violence in another room... We do get some interesting fingerprint info on our man Douglas Jones who's prints appear to link him to Evil Dale and a certain Dale Cooper...
Back at work, Office Schlub attempts to kill Dougie who is distracted by the lure of cherry pie, the ties are strong.

In the world of Twin Peaks, Shelly dealing with her shithead daughter.
Norma and Big Ed having dinner at the Double R, is this the first time we've seen Ed this season? Speaking of actors that look like they haven't aged a day, Ed looks great. Nice scene with Ed and Bobby. We learn that Double R is franchising, business shit... Norma catching heat for her Double R not performing as well as other franchises.

Oh no, Norma hanging one of Jacoby's shovels in her store window reminds me of people banding about anti-vax theories these days. Norma and Jacoby meeting is painful.

Over to Sarah's house, Sarah appears to be in a bit of a spiral, though I'm guessing this has actually been her steady state for a while now.

I'm not sure I'm feeling Audrey's story so far. Her last scene was painful, this one isn't coming across that much better for me.

Oh NO, James is the music guest this week, playing his horrible song from the original run, worst musical moment of the original series and making no attempt to actually learn how to play the song...

Closing shot of Big Ed drinking coffee alone at his Gas Farm.

Good little episode.
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