Brief update . . .

Jan 29, 2006 07:59

So I spent most of Friday being very cranky. Between discovering that my tonsils are still infected (even after 2 rounds of antibiotics), Crappy locations at work, and I don't remember what else, but I was definitely not the happiest of campers. Although when I finally got home, I had a message from a friend that made me smile so that was nice. :)

Got up much too early yesterday to finish cleaning and await the arrival of my friend. He got here, hung out and talked to my parents while I showered and got ready. He went with me while I ran some errands and then we met my family at Round Table for yummy pizza and beer. After that we went down to a local winery (Galleano's) and tasted several different wines. I love wine but I've never been wine tasting so that was a fun experience. When we left the winery we were both really sleepy so I pulled over in a parking lot and we took a nap in my car (no funny business, just sleeping . . .ewwww he's like my brother) Went to the mall, got movie tickets for the 8 o' clock King Kong. Walked around, ate a potato and then he went and said something jerky that pissed me off, so I didn't talk to him for a couple of hours (I still communicated via chrades and sign language) but he really made me mad. Anywho, then we saw the movie. My opinion, it wasn't bad, but I can't classify it as good either. There were too many inconsistencies and one scene where the CGI was glaring obvious. Normally I can suspend belief no problem, so it says a lot for the flaws if they pull me out and call attention to themselves.

Promptly came home and passed out because I was extremely tired. Over all it was a good day, but why does he have to say stupid things?

Must now go and ready myself for a day at Universal Studios so TTFN! ~waves~
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