June 7, 2007
Aries (3/21-4/19)
Save up all your energy this morning; later today, a real problem may arise.
I went to school early to study. It’s something that I always do except it was unintentional this morning. My mom was yelling at me. It's that time of the month where mothers have bitch fits.
My math teacher has pancreatitis and missed class again. Unfortunately he didn’t postpone the test again.
After school I went to Macy’s to shop for myself and others. Twice a year Macy’s has an additional sale for employees. I think I’ll keep the job. I’m getting great offers on merchandise and the hours are great. Speaking of, I think I’m annoying coworkers by shopping on my days off.
I worked the closing shift last night and it got bad. A woman threw away her Macy’s-Visa and wanted to use a coupon for it. She didn’t understand that she couldn’t get it without that special card and she was treating us like idiots. She sarcastically told her daughter to grab a mop because they were going to spend the night at the store - referring to how long it was taking my supervisor to over-write and re-ring up the items. She was only going to save four dollars.
-Then another moron came over at the same time I had to put up with this bitch. This other woman brought in three big bags of clothes - all returns - $300+ worth. I called up my supervisor to help me with the return because it was suspicious. We’ve been talking about grab-and-runs lately and the lady was telling me that she didn’t have a receipt for the items. However, the lady found her receipts by the time Lisa came over but she made us look through all twelve of her receipts. While we went through her mess she shopped around. Ten minutes after the official closing time - when the main lights turned off - the couple was good to go. They bought a few items but they kept shopping around for an hour. WTF? They had been in the store for hours and they didn’t want to leave.
I work in retail but I still have a life. Were they retards? Her husband looked like Mr. Rogers.
I met Whitnney back when I helped Brad with his campaign. She helped me shop for makeup today and we didn’t realize that we had already met. She’s the president of a sorority at Weber and I might join.
I love my job. Great hours, many goodies, and 40% or more off cosmetics.
I was having a marvelous day. Then wouldn't you know it.
I was rear-ended five houses away from home.
I nearly fuckin jumped out of my seat. The street I was turning in on is just above the hill. The lady was speeding, didn't see me, and hit me. She told the officer she was going 15mph. Everything shifted. I keep change in the ashtray and EVERYTHING flew in the air. I immediately got on the phone with 9-1-1. I think she started to cry when she realized who I was calling. She was cited for driving too close and I think the officer said that her license had been expired for over a year. THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR CURSING PARIS HILTON - I GOT HIT BY SOMEONE LIKE HER.
I need to call my insurance again and give them details - the speeding and so on.
My back really hurts and I'm aching all over. I'm going to throw a bitch fit if this screwed me up for life buuuuuuut it could have been worse. I'm just thankful that I've cheated death again.