May 22, 2007 19:06
Recently have you all seen any good advertistment? Can be from JE groups!!! ( ^ - ^ )v
Good advertisement as in, when you see it,
1) It attracts you to keep watching
2) Tempts you to buy the product
3) Think it's creative etc etc???
Any advertistments with the above point will do yo!!! Comments pls!!! haha!
Um... Actually needed all these because my teacher gave us this "Reflection Journal" thing and we're supposed to write something in...
So since today's the marketing module... She came up with this question na!!!
Handing in my homework online 4 hours from now!!! dakara, onegashimasu ne!!! ^^
Oh ya!!! She showed us this advertisment the one with Ueto Aya and Akame from KAT-TUN, the 2 of them saying "ganbare ganbare ganbare~~~~ " for their energy water ad. orh!!! haha! So funny!!!
[my sensei is originally from Japan!]
She said this advertistment became the top ad. in Japan when the time came out yo!!! And lots of people went to buy this energy drink!!! *laughs* !!! xD
Then when some of our classsates ask, "Huh! I don't see how this ad. is like creative and I don't get the meaning of the advertisement leh?"
Then she said, "Ya. Some companies promote their products this way, with the popularity of the idols!"
Yaaaa.... Ureshii!!! haha! Saw my baka Jin down there ganbare!!! ^^
Jaaa! Comments wo mattemasu~~~