Chinen's birthday.

Nov 30, 2008 18:54

Today is Chinen's birthday. So as a treat, you can request scans ANY OF HIS SHOP PICS. ♥ Yes, I have them all. Lol, don't ask.

Something, something.
-You cannot request for ALL of them.
-You can only request 5 shop pics at a time.
-It has a small watermark on the logo-thingy on the corner.
-They're all in .tif format.
-You cannot repost them, thankyouverymuch.
-You hafta credit me or this comm when you're going to use it for graphics.

So, if you want any scans of his shop pics from Johnny's Junior times to his Mayonaka no Shadow Boy shop pics. Comment and I'll send them to you. :D

!request post

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