Jul 25, 2005 11:33
lets see im updatin on yesterday it was sunday and courtney and heather came to church with meaghan theyre some pretty rad girls anywho after church me and my mommy went to wal~mart i got my ducky the "mmhmm" cd from relient k anywho i had to call renee to come pick me up cuz my parents were at footloose so they picked me up then we had to go pick up austin and then we got to brandons house and there was a bunches of people so yea wewere all chattin and me and renee were looki out for the car and a white truck pulled up and we heard a knock on the door so everyone gets down and me and renee are like wait wat and so we get down and it turns out to be a neighbor anyways not to long after that meaghan came and she introduced courtney and heather to mom and then we all jumped up and yelled surprise i swear meaghan has some of the funniest faces lol but after that we all hung out and then we playe gestures and yea then erika and meaghan and kyle got thrown in the pool and austin tried ot throw me and renee in and he couldnt so he tried to get nick to help him so i gave nick and evil glare and iwas like touch me and see wat happens so yea then he tries it again the living room and hes tryin to drag me outside and nicks tryin to put me back in the chair and yea he once again didnt succeed then i came home and talked to kelly and now im talkin to nick and yes this weekend is goin to be awesome and i get to go to DCi tonite i freakin love that thing and its just gonna be like me and my sister my brothers and his g/f and its awesome spendin time with them