May 05, 2005 09:32
hey everyone..
well i didnt go to skool today.. i had a bad stomach eache.. well i guess i really didnt want to go either.. i am so sick of that skool...i cant wait to go to western so i can meet new ppl..
i guess i have been really stressed latley..i have been put under alot of presser at dance and skool put together.. i guess i just needed a brake today.. it is almost the end of the yr so i guess the teachers are being harder on us.. also my teachers at dance have been stressed because we have recital comming up and when they are stressed i am stressed.. well i really like talking to kelly when i am stressed becuase she always makes me feel better and we relate so much!! i love that girl so much!
srt brooke i wish i could comment in your journal but my computer wont let me comment anymore and it s pissing me off?? well i think u r amazing.. if u think u have to try and be perfect for cantain people then that should just mean to screw them. u dont need to act different around certain people to please them.. i love the way u r.. if people dont like u the way u r fuck em.. i love hanging out with u because of the type of person u r!! we have so much fun with each other when we are ourselves... and u no it!! like thowing major tantroms together!! screaming in the girls bathroom about.. u NO. News years.. peeing in bushes! takig pics with randon hot guys!CHAD!!!!ahh (did that kid die) crying to u on the fone over a certain someone.. rocking out.. are awesome joggs aroung bcc..chasing guys in oasis to delete a picture of us. me and u pissing rassi off.. screaming in 8th grde office about beniquisto... damn so many memories.. i cant think of any more right now but there are alot more..but in conclusion just be yourself.. the only person u need to show off to is your parents.. THAT IS IT.. just be yourslef!!
well I am going to call kim.. she is home from skool today to.. Love u all espically kelly and brooke! u guys rock my world..