Jan 26, 2005 15:22
SNOW DAY!! yeah! really nothinq to do today.. well i don`t know talked to ryan on the phone for a while... then umm went outside and plowed...then like 2 hours later hadda qo back outside and plow aqain... fuckinq SNOW! lol then i talked to my favoritest person on earth... kyle , oh yeah and casey haha no just kiddinq i love them both so much! then i made some qrilled cheese.. which was SUPPOSED to come out qood because thats the one thinq im supposed to be qood at makinq seeinq i can`t make anythinq else.. qrr.. it was like disqustinq i ended up havinq to have cereal.. fruity pepplesz..which i love but still i wanted qrilled cheese! haha now im watchinq elf.. i know i know its past christmas lol but still i l0ve that movie so fuckinq much!! lol...i have this thinq i love talkinq to ryan on the phone.. but i hate it when like we are silent.. hmm i don`t know whatever.. lol well hey im out bye<3
x0ox_ jaclyn frances