Mar 25, 2006 22:26
So, things have gotten a lil crazy in my life nowadays... What with work and school, then theres issues with people that I htought were my friends... I dont understand it all anymore. I used to be so happy with my life. Things couldn't have been any better. Things were fine at work, and I never had any problems with my friends. I am not the type of person that fights with other people. I just dont. I dont see the point, and I never find myself in the middle of anything anyways. I was always lucky in that aspect, until recently. I wont go into it, because its a longgggg story, but certain ppl need a good kick in the butt and they need to just GROW UP. I am trying not to let these lil things get to me, but I cant help it sometimes. I am a very sensitive person, so lil things tend to get to me. Especially when everything bad is happening at once.
I think I am going to start looking for another job, because every good is leaving, and thats not good for the those of us that are staying. So, I think I might just leave myself, and get another job where I am atleast treated with RESPECT. I swear, I am not respected there, and I cant take it anymore. I recently adopted the view that NO ONE is above another. It doesnt matter if you are the head manager, that doesnt mean ANYTHING to me. We are all equals, and we work together as a team to get things done. I swear, I am more mature than those morons of managers we have at the theater... Geeze... Again, thats another longggg story that I wont go into, otherwise I would be here all night... lol
Its also in times like these where I find out who my TRUE friends are. These are the ppl who im me, asking me whats wrong when I have a sad message up. The ppl who call me just to say hi. The ppl who are always there for me. Coming to this realization, I know that I dont have a lot of friends, but those that I do have, I cherish, and I dont want to lose them for anything. I know that not all of them have livejournals, but they know who they areee. <3
Shout outs! lol
Lindsey- You know exactly whats going on, and I dont think I would be able to handle it without you. You are seriously my best friend, and this may sound really cheesey and all that, but its true. I would have honestly quit if you werent there with me. I love how we have so much in common. Its funny how you rarely see us apart. I am so happy we became good friends, because you are certainly someone that I dont want to ever lose as a friend. Were we separated at birth? hahaha I loveerrrr youuuuuu! <33 :p
Andriana- I know you sometimes read other ppls journals. Let me just say, that I feel so incredibly BLESSED to have you in my life. You are such a positive spirit, and your postive outlook is something that I look up to you for. You are such an amazing person, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always giving me the best advice, and just being there to listen. You dont have to give me advice, but you do, and thats why I am so happy to have met you. I really hope that we can meet up again someday. I LOVE YOUUUU! <333
And so, Ive decided to try to not let things get to me as much anymore. Its going to be hard, but I know I can do it if I have the ppl that I love behind me.
<3 Mehhhh lol