survey time

Oct 24, 2004 19:59

I took this from amy.... hope you don't mind, amy!
Your gender: female
Straight/gay/bi?: straight
Single?: yesum
Want to be?: no... i want a prince charming!
Your birth day: july 22
Age you act: hmm.. changes from time to time
Age you wish you were: i wanna be 5 again!
The color of your eyes: blue/gray
The color of your hair: brown... highlighted at the moment... soon to be dark i hope!
Left/right/ambidextrous?: right handed
Your living arrangement?: with mi madre and mi padre
Your family: my momma, my dadda, my sissy, and my ugly brother
What's your job: i don;t have one... i'm a lazy bum
Obsessions?: to dance. french anything.
Do you speak another language? spanish, and learning french
Have a favorite quote?: "Live well... love much...laugh often"

DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
Do you have any secrets?: not really... i'm pretty open
Do you hate yourself?: once in awhile
Do you like your handwriting?: sure...
Do you have any bad habits?: t name is co
What is the compliment you get most from people?: that my last name is cool
What's your biggest fear?: dying... for some reason
Can you sing: not to save my life...
Are you a loner?: no, i wuv my friends... i don't like being alone
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: i like to think so
Are you a daredevil?: hah no... big chicken shit right here
Have you got a ?: why is the sky blue?
How do you vent?: i cry and talk to my mommmmmmy
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: not really
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: be urself!
Are you confident?: somewhat, slightly insecure

Smoke?: no thank you
Do drugs?: not in this life time
Read the newspaper?: not really
Pray?: i try too
Go to church? once in a while
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Take walks in the rain?: i love rain... but i don't like to get wet...
Talk to people even though you hate them?: uh yes... i dont like to be the rude one.

Been out of the country?: yesum... i lived in mexico
Burped?: oh yes.
Been in love?: nope haha
Been picked on?: yeah
Been on stage?: yes.. i want the dance performance to be sooooner
Slept outdoors?: i prefer the indoors... but i did camp when i was younger
Pulled an all-nighter?: no... i'd be soo cranky. i'm a morning person
Talked on the phone all night?: naw
Thought you're going crazy?: oh yes!
Been betrayed?: oh boy yes!
Broken the law?: yea... nothing extravagant tho
Met a famous person?: ben kweller
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: nope...
Been on radio/TV.?: nope
Bungee jumped?: scared of heights
Had a dream that kept coming back?: the ones that u fall off a skyscraper... damn those scare me

CLOTHES and other fashion
Shoe brand?: pumas and diesel
What are you normally wearing to school/work?: jeans
Wear hats?: not so often.. i think i look stupid inthem...
Wear make-up?: yesum
Favorite place to shop?: american eagle, baby!
Favorite article of clothing?: my french themed pajamas!!!
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: sometimes... but i do love fashion

Miracles?: i think so
Astrology?: not so much
Magic?: yes. harry potter rox!
God?: yes
Satan?: hmm.... not really
Santa?: i want to be a kid again!
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: no doubt about that
Do you wish on stars?: when u wish upon a star... makes no difference who you are! awww i love them!

LOVE, and all that
Do you remember your first love?: i try not tooooo
Still love him/her?: nope
Do you consider love a mistake?: u learn from ur mistakes
What do you find romantic?: hmm... lots of stuff
Turn-on?: tall, brown eyes... brunette...tan...
Turn-off?: idiots....
Do you base your judgment on looks alone: i try not tooo
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: knowing them
Wished it was "socially acceptable" for girls to ask a guys out?: no, i'm too shy
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: its the inside that counts
What is best about the opposite sex?: eyessss
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: their ignorance
Are you in love?: nope

You wanted to kill?:my brother. effin idiot
That you laughed at?: cristin
That laughed at you?: hmmm.... my stupid brother. it made me cry
That turned you on?: hott guy at the mall
You went shopping with?: my mommy
To disappoint you?: myself...
To brighten up your day?: my beautiful sister
That you thought about?: erin
You saw a movie with?: erin
You talked to on the phone?: jenn
You talked to through IM?: carlo, cristin,maryann
You saw?: my papa
You thought was completely insane?: hmm....
You wanted to be?: i wanna be like YOU!
You trusted?: my momma.

Smiled?: like 1 sec ago
Laughed?: a bit ago
Cried?: today... haha
Bought something?: today
Danced?: today
Were sarcastic?:today
hugged someone?: today
Talked to an ex?: never... he moved
Had a nightmare?: can't remember
Listened to the radio?: int he car today
Watched TV?: right now
Helped someone?: at the mall... this old lady
Sang?: while dancing to britney spears today...
Said "I love you"?: today. to my lovely friends
Missed someone?: today, my sissy
Fought with a family member?: my idiotic bro
Fought with a friend?: hah jenn...
Had a serious conversation?: today

long ass survey... too bad it took me like 2 hrs to do it.. i got distracted.... haha
much love guys
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