(no subject)

May 28, 2007 12:19

it's been half my life since i last posted.
i suck at this.

too much has happened to write any of it down.
good and bad.
completely stupid.
i should've tried to keep track.

i think i'll just do this instead -
TRY THIS: Write 10 statements intended towards 10 different people but never tell them it was about them or would never say it to their face or something you wish you would have said, but didnt.

1. i love you. i couldn't begin to imagine how i would have turned out in life without you. you've made me the person i am, for good and bad. i can talk to you about anything and everything, and i actually really, really appreciate that. even if i don't act like it most the time, i respect you. i can try and take some of your crazy "JUST DO ITTTTT!" advice sometime, maybe once. ;D haha, i laugh with you like i never have and probably never will laugh with anyone else. i can pose a certain way, or start singing a certain song, or say a few choice words to get you rolling on the floor, because i know you, too. you get me, and i can't thank you enough for that. ily ♥

2. my best friend. you know who you are, you silly, silllllllly girl, you. oh geez, i don't think i can even come to grips with all the shit we've been though. there is honestly too much to even start thinking about. BOYS - oh Lordddddd, BOYSSSSSS! ;D ha, we've covered that topic a couple billion times. we'll always have the initials and code names to prove that, hahaha. since seventh grade, beeyotch. it's hard to believe almost EVERYTHING started then. things that made us, and destroyed us. i owe you more than the world for all the shit you've listened to me ranttt about. i just wouldn't be me without you helping. :) i love you foreverrrrrr!! let's hang out this summer. :)

3. YOU!! BEFFERSSSS!! you made this last synchro season possible for me. :) and now, i can't believe you're leaving meee! i'm gonna miss you like MAD, woman. i have more fun with you in the last two years than i everrr thought possible. i've had a few firsts with you, and more run-ins with the cops then would have ever thought could happen to two such good girls ;D hahaha, i love you and miss you already!

4. you kill me. in about a billion ways. i'm so glad we've become such good friends over the past year and half, even if i might want more sometimes. it's always great having a good guy's point of view when i'm freaking out about things. you've actually helped me a lot more than i think you'll ever really know. thank you so much for being there, being a freak, and keeping me sarcastic :D haha. i owe you, and i wish you knew.

5. you're such a little cheater. ;D what's there to say? i wouldn't have half as many comments as i do without you :) hahaha, jk. you wouldn't without me either. you're pretty freaking sweet and cute, to say the least. you tend to make me smile a hella lot. thank you. oh! and i win forever now. :D haha

6. my woman. you is freaking awesome, and i'm pretty glad you decided to work at the rink. :) we really, REALLY need to hang out more. like a whole lot more, because i'm lost without youuu, can't help myyyself! ;D this summer is ours. we will ownnn the nights. i'm pretty freaking excited, to say the least. ♥♥♥

7. you are honestly one of the most amazingly nice people i have ever met. i can't even tell you how much i wish that i thought of you the way you think of me. it breaks my heart that i'm such a sucky person. i don't care what happens, i want you to always, always be my friend.. even at three in the morning. ;D i am always going to think of you, but i can't lie to myself. it would be a real bitch move for me to pretend something for you if i'm not really feeling it. i want you to understand that, and that i'll always have you in my heart. :)

8. you six kill me. i think it's a little over, but GOOD LORD it was fun while it lasted. we ruled friday nights, that back corner of the room, bowling alleys, getting people's cars, bringing in new ones, painting every nail a different color, covert operations, sneaking.. a lot, making fun, coming up with nicknames, running around wal-mart, and sooo much more. i love you guys! and we need plans for the summer. :)

9. you. why won't you leave? you're the only thing messing me up. i hate you and your gorgeous/nice-ness. why can't you be ugly and mean? that'd make it so much easier for me to not like you. and for me to not worry any more. you stupid flirt. oh, and that picture makes me laugh. go away.

10. you all ARE gone! thank goodness. sure some of you were great, but most of you were the epitome of annoying. we're seniors now, and we plan on doing it better. :)

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peace, loveys.
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