(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 22:11


i've had soo much fun the past couple of nights. SOOO much fun.

friday night sahana came over for a little while and she worked on her leaf project some. and then right before she was getting ready to leave quentin and damian came over. we played bad mitten/tennis for a while and then decide to play a little joke on chase. so quentin called him to make sure he was home, and then handed the phone to sahana and we walked around the back. she started talking to him about what he was wearing and things like that while we were looking in his window at him. i'm pretty sure he was freaked out .. even though he won't admit it. then sahana had to go home and quentin, damian, and chase came over to my house. HA! the guys pogo-sticked and balanced on stilts for a while, then we hung out in the garage .. and then we played lights-out. ok that game is too much fun .. even though i completely suck at it. i was it every other time. then chase had to go home and quentin and damian hung around for like another half an hour. we went out onto the porch and chase came back over for a little while. then quentin and damian's ride came, and i went back home.
ps. 142 steps from here to there.

today sahana came over and we washed my car.  ... that was and experience, but we didn't do too bad for our first time, lol. chase was out walking his brother's dog for a while and stopped by a couple of times .. but he didn't help any, lol. then sahana, chase, and i walked to mcdonalds and then to krogers to get my mom some ziploc baggies. while we were there we saw kathy showen and she gave us a ride back to my house. chase went home, and then sahana and i decided to go see elizabethtown. called chase to see if he wanted to go and he did, so we called quentin so chase wouldn't be the only boy. the movie was pretty good .. the very best part was definitely orlando bloom. the movie in itself was a little weird .. but orlando bloom's random fits were fantastic. i'm in love with him. i really am .. anyways .. sahana's dad came to get us and everyone went there separate ways.

PLUS my leaf project is done. completely, one hundred percent done. Hallelujah.
i have NEVER been done a day early on a project .. ever. freak yes!

now i'm getting pretty tired, so i think i just might head off to bed.
night y'all.
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