Apr 24, 2004 10:07
so lets seee
sunday i bought my prom dress!!! horray! went to work 4-9
monday hung out with christina and rick for a lil bit
tuesday hung out with robby!
- wed hung out with christina and ricki hink
thursday didnt go to school. got pay check bought my mom wendys, saw robby for like 30 min lol. brought obby to work. brought my lil bbrother to soccer practice and chilled outside watched him and help the coach teach them.
friday didnt go tos chool again hung out with kayleight for a bit, hung outw ith robby, broght robbys brother to the docters me and robby went to work 5-10
today i guess im brining robby to work @ 1. i have work 4-9 then who knows whats up... im probly going to take my lil brother to the park and play some ball or something