(no subject)

Jul 31, 2005 01:58

2 Thursday's Ago :

i was at meg's and i stayed there for a while then i went home and me and zach watched butterfly effect an poltergiest =) lol funn

2 Friday's Ago :

woke up late, then i got ready an zach took me to pullman an we were going to watch Devil's Rejects BUT.. they wouldn't let me go in because i was too young , you have to be 17.. i was mad..

so we left an we went to zach's little cousin's birthday party at the train place in huntington lol, his family made fun of him because he couldnt watch the movie because of me =/ oh well lol, it was fun..

then on the way home randy had to drive zach's car home because it was doing something weird lol, so ronda took me and zach home, and since it was early still zach just came over to my house where my family made fun of us cause we didnt get to watch it..

so anways, we watched sumthing, i dont remember, then he had to leave at 11

2 Saturday's Ago :

i woke up really late again and i got ready an me and meg went to the movies with andy burns an clay cractree =) we love them lol, we saw dark water, it was fun, we saw KATEY ROACH, goergia, morgan conly, mex, tanner, goober, um... and i dont remember who else =( lol, but i kno there was more, anyways, we got starbucks yumm, anyways it was fun lol

i stayed the night with megg =)

2 Sunday's Ago :

uhh, i dont remember what i did that day but i kno zach left for DC with the booth scholars that night =(

Monday :

i went to Bible School at Lick Creek with misti, a lot of people were there and it was fun, im thinkin me n meg stayed the night with mis that night too, but im not sure..

Tuesday :

??? Bible School again i know

Wednesday :

umm, i think  me n mis went swimming at her mamaw's house with some company =), then Bible School that night

Thursday :

??? Bible School then i went to megs house and we went to wal mart then i went to her house and hung out with her mom while she was with her special friend, then she came home an we partied

Friday :

me and meg got up and did nothing for all day til 5:30 when we went to Bible School haha, it was carnival night so it was cool lol, then after that, we all ( me meg n mis ) went to rocky tops an ate pizza, then we went to wal mart for a sec to get hot dog stuff then i went home an went to bed cause i was really tired lol

Saturday :

zach got hom from DC!

went down to the little football camp and helped the little E and D team cheerleaders, theyr so cute lol, i got a free t shirt too =), then i went over to megs for like 15 minutes, then i went home an hung out...

Then zach called and said he was comin over an i was REALLY excited cause he has been in DC an i hadnt seen him an i'd missed him.. lol

so anyways, me an zach went to wendys an got him fod cause he was really hungry, then we came back home an watched man of the house which is really good and parts of troy.. he left at 12 ..

Sunday / Today :

me an meg are gonna hang out and stephanie has a suprise for us hahaha =) im really pumped !

monday cheerleading starts and im not gonna have a life outside cheerleading.. ughh lol, but im still excited =) it'll be fun
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