back from Anime South V

Dec 21, 2009 00:02

Mission get Doctor Who beach pictures was a success! I stole Fong away from the maids for a few minutes on Friday. The weather was kind of gross but actually perfect for Doctor Who.

Now I'm kind of torn about what to do about the scarf. I didn't technically finish it since I've been working off of a pattern for a season 16 version which is extra ridiculously long. And I've got the yarn to finish it to be "accurate". But right now it's at a really nice length for practically wearing. And I would like for it to be wearable outside of costume purposes.

On, a completely unrelated note my extra userpics expired. Baww. And if the deal where if someone else buys you your account during December, which I would just do for myself under a different journal, you get the extra pics isn't going on then I'm too cheap to get them. I'll still at least renew my paid account though.
  Anyways I just took some Zicam so I'm probably going to be pretty sleepy soon. So it's off to get ready for bed for me. And yes, I was still sick through the whole con. I could barely even speak for my panel, judging, and the contest. I had to get Diana to announce my judge's award for me during the contest. And thank goodness the tech guys got me a microphone for my panel. I don't know how well I could have gotten through that otherwise.

conventions, doctor who, cosplay, health, anime south, knitting

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