Dec 13, 2002 01:36
Hopeless Romantic ™ 89.42
Romantic Realist ™ 10.58
Hopeless Romantics are emotionally oriented, sensitive, thoughtful people. They seek a partner with whom they can often feel 'merged'. However, merged is perhaps not strong enough a word - the Hopeless Romantic wants to experience, at least part of the time, a sense of being one with their chosen mate.
Accordingly, Hopeless Romantics usually believe that true love means being willing to share virtually everything with their partner. This includes the willingness to relinquish every bite on their plate if their partner should ask (most have had difficulty eating when in love anyway), consistently putting their loved one's needs before their own, and being able to share with their loved one things that they absolutely couldn't tell anyone else. More often than not, it also means sharing ones finances completely with their partner (after marriage, not before).
Hopeless Romantics love to stare in their partner's eyes, often without speaking, and are very willing to ignore their partner's imperfections in order to maintain the romance. When Hopeless Romantics are in love, most all are willing to do silly things which they would find quite embarrassing in front of other people.
Most Hopeless Romantics have found themselves weak at the knees at one time or another while kissing their partner, and virtually all believe that true love never dies - even if you break up with someone, once you have loved them, you will always feel that love at least a little bit. About one third of all Hopeless Romantics (as compared to ZERO Romantic Realists) believe that marriage should be forever, no matter what happens.
Many Hopeless Romantics believe in love at first sight (about twice as many compared to Romantic Realists), and few believe that it is necessary to be in a relationship for six months before being truly in love. Hopeless Romantics usually believe that love should be allowed to transcend any cultural, race, or even gender boundary (a small minority of Romantic Realists believe otherwise).
Finally, the majority of Hopeless Romantics (but not all) believe the purest form of love one can experience is for an animal or a child, and also value cuddling more so than sex.