Last night I went to a Mariners game. It was awesome because we finally won; 11-0! We scored some awesome seats for $50- third base line, row 1, seats 3 & 4, sec 142. Shit, they were awesome. We even got on TV when the stupid ballgirl was handing a little kid a foul ball. And Raul Ibanez did a double-take on me and tried to throw a ball to me, but it landed in a guy's glove 2 seats away from me. I am still bitter about that. Kyle got smacked in the head by a foul ball that was lined right towards our seats. It was really scary... Kyle's ear started bleeding and swelled up and he was knocked stupid for a few minutes. After it hit his ear it hit some guy behind us in the chin, and that guy got on TV for quite awhile! Soooo not fair. But apparently while we were in the first aid room a cop went and got the ball and saved it for Kyle. How nice.
Here's a close-up of Dan my Man. Compare it to the other pic that I posted earlier...
I went to a game 2 days before that last game with Jer. It was fun for the 3 innings that we got to see. His car broke down right before he was about to pick me up, so we had to wait for his sister and her bf to come and rescue us, and then we headed to the game in her car, and we got there in the 7th inning. We lost, but what else is new...