Nov 25, 2004 00:32

I keep on wanting to post, yet everytime i want to post i end up having wayyy to much to vent/ or talk about(hey im a busy girl!)...but it has to come out, so bare with me here.

Where do I start...Well right now ive been dancing like a lunatick cause Nutcracker is coming nearer and nearer...and im not "consistant enough", as louise puts it...whatever...anyways...Jester is finally starting to look presentable and im getting so excited for favorite time of the year!!!! (i'm such a true jew lol j/k) I sent in my final 17 min. dance audition video for UofA, and i am anxiously awaiting the results...I have got to get in!..I have the worst senioritis that i have ever experienced right now, and my mom is trying to scare me about my poor study habbits and how it will ruin me in college, yet i am convinced that once i get the hell out of highschool and into a college i will actually be self-motivated and will want to learn as i once did...long Jazz class was amazing today and it was one of thoes classes that just reminds you of why you have stuck with it for so long and have never been able to give it up! I love classes like these!

As for the boy department, i have come to the conclusion that i am simply a very flirty girl who ends up leading guys on or seaming like a huge tease when she really just wants to be close flirty friends...i wish it could just be that way, but after asking my big bro for advise he told me that in the real world there aren't flirty friendships...its either strictly platonic and unflirty or flirty with the guys thinking that its more then friends...ughhh...its really frustrating...i have always been one of thoes girls who hangs out w/ the girls, and i am just getting sick of the drama between girlfriends...guys r soo much fun! they just tell it like it is ...without being fake. The only problem is that the majority of these boys have alterier motives...oy vey! lol...
It seams as though everybody is getting together right now and of course its that time of the year when u want somebody to be there to wrap their arms around you and keep u warm in the cold weather...ofcourse i want this as well...i would be lieing if i said i din't, but i just don't see the point in starting anything when im about to go to college...or is it just that Mr. right hasn't come my way...i guess i'll never know...

wow this is a really long post so i think ill stop here.
<333 You all & have a guurrreeaaat Thanks Giving!

P.S.I had a really great time this weekend w/ Rachel,Chris,Carlos,and Meagan...the Birthday girl!!
We have to do that again sometime soon...& heads up...if any of u are planing on having sex on Chris's bed, you better not do it when people are in the house cause his bed is loud as f**K!...kisses!
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