hehehe i have one of those! you should buy the prodigy if you can afford it, or at least the rouge, i think you would be more happy with it. but if you're like me the mg-1 was all i could afford...
i agree with the above statement. the MG-1 is basically a cheap (as in both inexpensive and quality-wise) Radioshack equivilent of a Rouge, which is really just a dumbed down Prodigy. Moog built the MG-1 for Radioshack's 'Realistic' line of third party designed electronics. it's not a bad synth by any means, and it's quite capable of producing really fat, chunky bass sounds. it's got a 'noise' setting (i'm not sure if the Rouge or Prodigy have this) that creates an underlying 'white noise'. it sounds like TV static if you turn up just the noise slider
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PS - i had one of those until last week. i sold mine to So Many Dynamos. and now i'm in the market for a Prodigy AND a Roland Juno 106. ooooh...i can almost taste the analogy bass!
haha thanks and thanks for all your input. i actually think your icon sucks a fat one. but then again i can't handle south park the way most can/do...i perfer pics of you, cause well you know...
ya the day i got my mg-1 i opened it up and cleaned out all the black stuff. to put it simply, it sucked hardcore and got all over me. but once i endured that it was fine and i haven't had to open it since. so don't worry about the black stuff too much, just know it will take a couple hours to clean and it gets your hands stained with black goo. the main reason i highly recommend at least a rouge is because of the pitch and modualtion wheels, cuz they are basically the tuning knob and contour slider on the mg-1: not good for fast adjustments. oh and please buy this so i can touch it-->
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off e-bay this guy said he took out all the black stuff but says there's a "noise" i thought that maybe the foam caused it . i'm waiting for his answer to my question, now i don't think i want it...what do you think?
i actually think your icon sucks a fat one.
but then again i can't handle south park the way most can/do...i perfer pics of you, cause well you know...
not to mention The Anniversary
oh AND AND!!!
reggie and the full effect....yesssssssss
who knows...
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i'm not that hardcore.
and by hardcore i mean crazy...and by crazy i mean rich...
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