May 14, 2006 23:35
I'm not really big on organized socials. However, there are still some things I miss about high school: being placed in a different atmosphere than I would typically be in, friends that I never see anymore, seeing people have fun, especially when they're gettin' their groove thang on...
I just love dancing. Physical expression is one of the most beautiful things humanity's got going for it. Tilted profiles with closed eyes, ecstasy smiles, hips and shoulders rippling like soft waves, bright eyes at a new beat. Hip-hoppers, jivers, moshers, ravers, disco ducks... a rhymthic sea of music-lovers whose energy is universally understood. And damn, is it contageous.
So, I went to prom. And I loved it. It was great to see everyone and be able to spend such a fun time with them and Cameron :-). I must say, we did look dashing. Pictures to come.
About a week ago, I decided I want to take up Vegetarianism again. I'll be starting tomorrow. It will be much harder this time around. I lasted for five years as a vegetarian, beginning at the age of seven. In those days I was attending my private Catholic school and decided that I would give up meat-eating for Lent. After a while I just forgot about it and didn't really feel the need or urge to eat it. Now, my reason is more cruelty-free-based and health-motivated.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-PETA necessarily. I don't like a lot of the things they've done. In the past month or so I've been having thoughts of going Veg. However, what really pushed me were the videos on the PETA website. Even so, being shown these things does not mean I will never eat meat again. I prefer to direct all reasonings to the well-known Thales adage, "all things in moderation."
Been in a slump this week [and last] with journalism stuff. Granted, I haven't been feeling whole, but I've not had to worry about anything else and, realistically, I've probably been well enough that I should've whipped up some of my story by now. My editor wants it by Monday, and I just hope I can do it tomorrow morning.
All-in-all, I've been doing fine in classes. I'm really lovin' Geology... even more interesting that I thought it'd be. Java's come harder than expected, though, especially considering the programs I wrote several years ago that exceed the material I'm learning now. The teacher is rather particular about how he wants things and very trixty when it comes to wording.
Can't wait for Summer. So much fun I want to have.