Jul 21, 2004 14:50
ok si sunday i went to my parents house to help them out by taking my sister to and from work while they were out of town. Ryan was awesome and stayed up there with me. the fist night was horrible because i had Vega up there with me and my parents dog (bear) wasn't too keen to her in his territory. so there was a lot of whinning and barking going on and no one could sleep. I felt bad because Ryan had to be up at like 5:30am and he couldn't sleep either. i wasn't actually expecing him to want to spend the 2nd night up there with me but he did. what a great guy. :)
while we were there we watched the wedding singer and love actually with monique. Monique and i went to marsh and bought some of those 2 in one make it yourself chef boyardi homemade pizza things. *yum* and i thought it was really funny because i had dinner ready for ryan when he got there. lol
so then when i came home yesturday ryan little boy (brandon) had just had his first guitar lesson from Josh and ryan was practicing everything on the guitar. so i jumped on and tried and then i was quickly bored with that and went to see what was new on the homestar runner webpage. well while we were looking at that along with drinking beer and eating pizza...ryan was leaning back in his chair and i had flip flops on like usual and when ryan put his chair back down my foot was in the way and i think my toe is broken. lol it's my little toe so there really isn't anything doctors can do about it so i am just going to have to wait it out. it looks funny all swollen and black and blue.
but yeah anyway i got a call back from sam ash today and they said that they want me to start working on friday. i am super excited about that. only one more day of being bored at home. then i can keep myself busy.
i was supposed to go and practice with swazay last night but i never did because i got back from my parents house so late. hopefully i will be getting my car fixed tonight and i will have my wonderful blue piece of shit back. lol