Aug 10, 2004 00:01
do you ever take the time to appriciate where you live??? well allz i can say is that I LOVE LA! and more so I LOVE CALI!!!!! some of us came from a different state, country, or even planet before actually settling in cali! some us were born and raised here ... and dont appriciate the beauty of their location!!! honestly .... people from different states and country DREAM of coming to cali because LA is the big city of DREAMS!! people work their asses off just to come and visit cali! some work their asses off and still never get to come out and witness the beauty of CALI! (cig break .. ewy ... I KNOW) anyway .... everyday when im out and about i take GREAT appriciantion to the BEAUTIFUL waether we are SOOO FUCKING LUCKY to have ... granted we do have our cold and hot days but honestly anywhere else the cold days would be WAY HARSHER and the heat is DRY heat ... thank the lord .... cause on the eaest coast they deal with humidity where shade has no value and all you can feel is the sticky air causing you to sweat perfouisly! eveyday when i go out ... wether its to the beach or just to spot in the hills .... a feelin over comes me that makes me sooo warm and happy! not just the natural surrondings cause YES I AM INLOVE WITH MY PLANET! but the city too sends a sensation through my body and soul! the other day i went to this spot with tessie .... at the top of suppelveda theres this missle spot that they had watch towers during ww1 and ww2 where soldiers would watch for enemies and if one was spotted they would alert the suppelveda bassin where they would send off a missle to destory the attacker! well after all that in the 60's our OO SOO BRILLIANT HUMAN MINDS advanced into technology and created a bomb that could go at a speed too fast to be detected which put this post out of reason. well now its a look out spot and a historical location that not too many people go too .... so we took the opprotunity to go smoke there!!! well at this spot you can see ... santa monica .... downtown la and hollywood ..... and my domain .. all of san fernando valley! we dat there on a blanket and just smoked and blew bubbles filled with smoke for everyone in the cities to get high!!! >: ) i have to leave but i really want to express this thought so don't be confused with the unfinished entry ...... TOO BE CONTINUED!