Jul 21, 2006 17:14
dear live journal,
The keys on my lap top have been sticking for sometime. Now I do not have the laptop. I changed my password but I thought it did not work. Hmm. I am writing you from Mexico. I am in the office of an abogado (lawyer). I plan on living in Mexico for the next year. A small perro runs beneath my feet his name is Canello.
I have been reading in churches a lot and trying to pray. I bought a pair of mexican sandals made out of car tires. I am trying to convince myself they are comfortable. I tried to take pictures of things I liked yesterday but I am horrible with cameras.
Yesterday when I crossed a busy intersection a boy who could not have been more than 3 years old crossed the street with his little head by the botton of my knapsack. he looked up at me with the trust that I wouldnt let him get run over. He followed me across two intersections. He held an old styrofoam meat tray with one small peice of fruit and a fork.
Next, I saw the same priest a otra de lado el calle that I ate dinner with the night before en mi casa. He remembered me after getting close to my face. He is older and he held my hand the whole time during dinner. As he spoke I found myself seomewhere in between laughing or crying. He kept squezing it. I had no idea the words he was saying really but I knew what he was saying. It is odd when you half understand things but it is enough. He is from spain and spoke with a lisp. All the family stopped arguing so much and had to be quiet with a priest visiting for dinner. It was nice with no television, Everyone on their best behavior. I drank to glasses of wine and fell asleep. Tommorow I am going to the hot springs.