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Jul 11, 2005 22:13

ok so i have been gone now for 2 weeks and my vacation is only half over how sweet is that!

i left ashleys house tuesday morning and went to the air port..my flight was delayed by an hour so i didn't leave until 1 then met up with my parents around 10 went to new jersey and stayed a night at my uncles then stayed a week in NYC!!!!! wednesday-wednesday was spent shopping!!! i went to china town and had a blast!! one day i went to the museum of natural history and that was pretty cool i enjoyed that! i now onw the DVDs war of the worlds, mr and mrs smith, madagascar, and rebound!! sweet!! and my dad bought alexander so we have that now also...went to the empire state building, statue of liberty, the marina then  saw the fireworks behind the statue of liberty which was beyone amazing and so nice!!! it was wonderful!!went to canada for a few nights to see niagra falls which was sooo pretty!! then on the 9 we arrived in williamsburn virginia where we are here for a week at our timeshare resort thing..saturday we just checked in and went swimming and grocery shopping then sunday we went to virginia beach and then went to a marine base where they train marines and stuff to see a light house and statues and other cool stuff then today we went to busch gardens and got a 14 day pass to that, the water park, jamestown, yorktown, and colonial williamsburg!! so im so excited for the next 2 weeks!!!! after virginia we are headed to tenn. for a few days then goin to oklahoma where i get to see my new baby cousin brennen!!!! then i will finally be back in az!!! i miss you all and deffinetly miss ashley evans cause i freakin love her!
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