(no subject)

Jun 18, 2005 14:42

so i still wanna go ice blockin extremly bad if ya didn't notice!

yesterday i woke up to early and took my sister to dance since idk where my parents went then went to what i thought would be 4 hours of practice then turned into 6 i think...after practice i went and got me some keva juice! came home jumped in and out of the shower and went to meet a bunch of friends at peter piper pizza. we got pizza and drinks then just hung out for a while...then whitney and i had a great idea to get ice cream so we went to frys and bought push up ice creams and brought them to brads house where we had to stuff them in his freezer. we hung out at brads house with tony and john. kristen and i tried playing some motor cross game but that turned into killing the guys instead. then i tried playing pool and the crippled taught me how to do it with the stick behind my back and i was actually good at it..i got it in and all...then we played the 10 fingers game again and i lost again :(...later sometime ashley called and told me her story of the night and how her and brianna were staying the night at my house so i got home and jon was droipping them off at my house...meet them in front of my house and the asian decided he wanted to stay even though we told him bye like 500 times!!! then he left around 1 finally and we played disney scene cause im the master at that game...we got ready for bed and took some crazy pictures of us 3 messing around on my bed! started watching peter pan then watched hook and fell asleep.

woke up this morning at 7 and got ready for the carwash...left at 7 30 or so and dropped ashley and brianna off at ashleys house...went to mcdonalds and was the first one to sign in! go me! then went inside mcdonalds with arielle and michelle and got breakfast! then brianna and ashley showed up to get ashleys car washed and i talked with them for a lil bit...washed her car...then they left me for sonic!!! washed more cars..got soaking wet...got burned...got tan:).... went swimming in the lil lake created by over flowing sprinklers...held signs...got yelled at by mcdonalds...ran through sprinklers...had a blast...got wet again and all sudsy!! then at 12 we were allowed to leave and i went to carvel with brittany and miranda! froze to death in there cause i was wet!! went to scotts to barrow a movie from him came home and here i am watching the chronicles of riddick which is actually pretty interesting!
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