Jul 24, 2008 21:12
I mailed the letter, yesterday to Gretchen. I decided that after events that have happened recently, it really doesn't matter to wait, because the shit is too bizarre anyways. Jim, you can be the first person to say I told you so if it goes to hell, which I know you will anyway...and yes, there's more than a fair shot for that. Frankly there's a large part of me that decided to mail the letter, SPECIFICALLY because you thought it was a bad idea, and the thought of irritating you makes me happy. That said, in my gut, it's something I had to do. I found the perfect blank card with a picture of a bunch of Tibetan Monks riding a roller coaster and screaming. I thought - now that visual is unusually prescient.
Last Sunday Rich had a party for his 2 year old daughter Lena. One thing I didn't know, was that Rich is good friends with this guy named Brian, who it turns out, went to college with Katie and is super close to her. Brian's wife went to Rutgers with Rich's wife and their two daughters are close in age to Rich's girls. I had heard of Brian for years, as he had of me, but our paths have never crossed nor did I know he knew Katie. Likewise, Brian said " I have met all of Rich's closest friends except you, which is ironic because you are seemingly good friends with everyone else here at this party". I get around. What can I say? At the party, Brian grilled me on the recent events. He concluded that "you are a 97 on a scale of 100" I lost three points for wearing camoflauge shorts. Apparently, that's a no-no. Brian, you look and dress like Kevin Smith ala Mall-Rats...lest he who lives in glass houses not be first to cast the first stone. Anyway, I liked Brian a lot and we hit it off very well. He preceded to tell me that he knew everything that happened between me and Katie and told me that the whole Gretchen thing was totally cool with all parties involved (because this whole affair is going seemingly before Congress next week) and he would help me out. "Dude, I was pushing Katie to screw you" he said. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmkay. Just met you, not appropriate. Thanks for that thought, though, Brian. Moving on. At the end of the party, Brian said he would talk to Gretchen about me. I told him that this was not necessary and thought nothing of it.
Well, apparently he thought it was, so he emailed Gretchen detailing why he thought I was cool from meeting me at Rich's party. Fuck. Thanks, Brian. Katie told me this yesterday. So, not only is this thing bizarre enough, I have this dude I don't even know throwing his two cents in. Katie said to me over dinner tonight "Welcome to our little circle" and clapped her hands psychotically. So, essentially...there will never be a "Right Time" or "Sufficient Waiting Period". God knows I am awful at that shit anyway because I am Anxiety Boy. Let the chips fall where they may...I am betting that at the very least 3 of the following assortment possibilities (by no means are these possibilities finite btw) will happen:
1) This whole affair blows up in my face in a fantastically stupid fashion
2) I will end up with one more friend I grow into a good friendship with but never sleep with
3) It will make a hell of a LJ entry regardless.
4) Jim will post something obnoxious regardless.
And I don't care. I had diner with Katie tonight, we had a great time and she is excited about Gretchen getting the letter. I swear to God this whole thing is weird. Katie really is cool with the whole thing - we talked and laughed and she made me eat a piece of cheesecake since I didn't have any cake on my birthday. Then she read me my horroscope for the week and made me make a wish on a lighter - since she didn't have any candles and that was the best the dudes at the Barnes & Noble Starbucks could scrounge up.
They were busy with this important question: would you drown if you jumped into a large pool of Jell-O?
I said gravity is the bastard in this equation, it will take you out. The one barista said to the other, "But not a bad way to go, right"?
Perspective, Kids. All about perspective. if you are going to drown...why not in style, darling?