
Sep 07, 2004 16:14

What a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. It all started with a phone call from my Mom on Friday. She was in a panic(and if you knew here you'd be saying Of course!) saying that my best friend from high school's mother called her and said that she hadn't heard from my friend in a very long time. My friend, Michael, lives here in the cities and can be very incommunicado at times. I hadn't heard from him in quite a while. I called his Mom and she said that she had no idea where he worked or lived and he wasn't returning his phone calls. I thought, "Oh brother". I came home from work and tried to reac him, but no luck. Continuation of that story in a minute.

Craig and I went to the Ren Fest grounds to pick up a special order that we had placed when we were out there a few weeks back. We got up WAY too early. Headed to Iowa for the day for my sister's birthday. We got to her house and she mentioned that she wanted to go to the Ren fest in Iowa. It was located about a hour and a half south so we piled in the car and headed there. We got there and by the looks of things, we were going to be very disappointed. $36 for the four of us to get in the door and twenty minutes later, we were on the road to the Outlet Mall near there. What a joke. We are sooo spoiled with the Minnesota Fest. So we kicked around the outlet mall and got a couple of shirts on "can't leave it there sale", went to the Amana colonies, bought a wine rack there, headed to Iowa City and had dinner there for my sister's 35th. We headed back to Waterloo and stayed the night there.

Got up and ate Breakfast at a favorite spot of mine called Waffle Stop. Locally owned breakfast joint. I always love going to Cedar Falls. We were going to go the the water park in Waterloo, but it was closed for the season. It was about then that I broke my glasses. Gotta love frames from Target. That necessitated a trip to LensCrafters as they could do them in an hour. Got on the road at around 4. We got home around 8ish.

Monday was a busy day for us. Went to Cub and got some groceries. Something crazy happened when were putting groceries away. I had set a piece of meat in the fridge to thaw and forgot to put a pan under it. Of course, blood everywhere. In the midst of cleaning out the fridge, I had handed Craig a shelf to clean and he was mearly wiping the glass shelf when it exploded in his hand. Thank god he did not get cut, but getting the glass out of the sink was a pain in the ass.

Luckily, replacing the garbage disposal was a project I had planned! That went smoothly! We had just replaced our kitchen sink a few weeks earlier so all we had to do is remove the old one from it's mounting bracket and put the new one up. We got a new one from Sears and our old one was a Sears model. They hadn't made any changes to the mounting bracket in all these years and we thought why bother changing it out.

I took the toilet up in our bathroom as it was leaking at the base. Just as I thought, the flange was cracked and I had to repair that and put the toilet back down. That has to be the messiest job. Wax all over from the sealing ring.

Ahhhh, the joys of home ownership!

Craig and I spent Monday afternoon watching Gods and Monsters. That was an interesting flick with Brendan Frazer. Actually a decent movie where he might seem like something more than something to look at.

Ok, so back to the friend story, not that there is much to tell. So, I got his address and decided to go and see if he was still living where I last knew he was. Well, he was there and I stopped by. He is alive and well, of course. I mentioned to him that his mother was looking for him and his roommates got a kick out of that. I know that we all have different relationships with our parents, but wouldn't you think that if your Mother was trying to get a hold of you and your best friend made it a point to find you that you may call her? Well not him. I called his Mom today to let her know that he is alive and she hadn't got a call. Feh!

So, that was my weekend. Thank goodness for three day weekends!
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