Disclaimer: Being the property of their respective copyright holders, Supernatural, its characters or any other publicly recognizable names don’t belong to me in any way, shape or form. This was written for the sole purpose of entertainment, not monetary gain. No copyright infringement is intended.
~ Oh my, would the boys be in trouble if I had a say... Just one word: SFTCOL(AR)S
A/N: Response to Enkidu07 and the gang’s Drabble Challenge. Thanks for letting me participate.
~ And muchísimas gracias to my twin sister
twinchy for the beta!
A/N 2: Sorry for the late response, my internet connection has been a bitch… Pardon my French but it’s all Dean’s fault… honest! ;-)
First Published: 14/12/ - 21/12/2008
I was in the other room preparing the frames when I suddenly heard the blood-gurgling scream.
Prompt: raw
“This is the spot where you found your colleague?”
“Yes,” stuttered the shell-shocked woman. “There had been a new delivery of raw hide for our vellum production, for which we are the last manufacturer in the country, and Neil had immediately set to work. I was in the other room preparing the frames when I suddenly heard the blood-gurgling scream-” A desperate sob escaped her.
Sam put a consoling hand on her shoulder. “I’m very sorry. But do you remember anything strange?”
“Coming to think of it, the hide was very peculiar, like no animal I have ever seen…”
Sammy, this just never gets old.
Prompt: local
“All the evidence points to a Galliphanne, kinda like a big goat. The pattern fits too, man. Lore says this beast, if killed, turns their tools against who uses its body parts. Now local authorities have reported freak accidents to a butcher in town and a hunter who shot himself cleaning his guns - with the safety ON.”
“Sammy, this just never gets old. So how do we waste it?”
“No need to; the spirit expires once the remains are left alone. Assuming there’s no musician opting for new intestinal strings on their fancy instrument that is…”
“My favourite job.”
The End