Disclaimer: Being the property of their respective copyright holders, Supernatural, its characters or any other publicly recognizable names don’t belong to me in any way, shape or form. This was written for the sole purpose of entertainment, not monetary gain. No copyright infringement is intended.
~ Oh my, would the boys be in trouble if I had a say... Just one word: SFTCOL(AR)S
A/N: Response to the SPN100 Drabble Challenge hosted by Dizzo and Vanessa, whose friendly take-over keeps Onyx and Enkidu07's original challenge alive and kicking. Rock on!
~ And muchísimas gracias to my twin sister
twinchy for the beta!
First Published: 02/01/2016
A pleasant night out - or is it?
Prompt: swell
“Forgive my terrible, terrible manners but what is the other handsome young lad doing over there again?” the old lady’s spirit asked casually, pointing at Dean while handing Sam a steaming cupper. (‘From the colonies, mind you,’ he recalled her pointing out rather firmly.)
The younger Winchester forced a weak smile. “My brother needs to burn your remains so you can finally move on.”
“Yes, I keep forgetting. Sometimes I don’t know where my head is. I seem to get lost quite a bit lately, you see,” her chatty voice trailed off.
Hesitating on the first sip, Sam’s brow crinkled with confusion. Something was off.
“Do go on, you haven’t even touched your tea yet,” the old lady chided mildly.
“No offence,” Sam continued his train of thought, “this place caught our attention because of some gruesome attacks. Now, if you are fine with moving on…”
“Of course! It is quite the swell idea! I’ll be very much obliged to both of you,” the spirit enthused.
“So, you wouldn’t have anything to do…”
“Don’t be silly, boy, I would never do such a thing.” She waved her hand dismissively, the mere thought ridiculous. “My late husband on the other hand…”
The End
A/N 2: Don’t ask me why but ‘swell’ in the sense of ‘great’ is actually one of my favourite words, hence the “chatter-boxy-ness” of a double drabble.