
Oct 09, 2009 21:22

a few things i think deserve to be kept track of:

amusing things in japanese class. we learned about "giving advice" and the textbook gave us a situation with a guy saying "i don't have a girlfriend" and asking us to advise him to: a.) go to a party b.) join a club c.) just give up. later when we were talking about 20 years in future, the question was "what kind of person will your husband/wife be?" this poor confused dude answered sincerely "yasai, desu." meaning vegetable, and didn't realize his mistake XD he meant to say 'yasashii' (easygoing). on wednesday, we learned about a very informal form for verbs to say "how about let's ____." one of the examples was "how about let's die?"

weird things i see on the way to/from band... i can't remember them all, since they happen without fail, but some are;

a group of guys walking behind me threatening to "beat each other up/punch each other in the damn face".

i caught this snippet of a conversation "that sandwich was so delicious." "DUDE." "i ate it so fucking fast." "DUDE! WHAT SANDWICH?!?!"

and this one; "this foreign guy tried talking to me, but his english wasn't that good. he told me i looked boring. i think he meant i looked bored."

the other night as i was heading back at 10pm walking past the post office i heard straight up screaming. i looked in to see two guys karate chopping and ninja attacking each other, screaming, while a group of people sat in chairs calmly watching.

overheard, japanese

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