Jan 25, 2011 00:49
Best. Winter. Break. EVER!
I did absolutely nothing but hang out and relax! 8DDD
I love my friends and miss them so much already. ; ^ ; I literally hung out with them everyday! Either for breakfast / lunch / dinner / or late hours into the morning ~
Christmas was amazing! Santa was exeptionally good this year. * 3 * I feel so absolutely blessed. We got a Wii for the family! Totally wasn't expecting it! I think my Dad was more excited than us because he kept hinting for us to open the big box in the corner. ^ . ~ Got a bunch of other awesome stuff such as, HUGE POCKY, nice boots, clothes, Manga Studio, How to Train Your Dragon, Despicable Me, Inception, Avatar, Resonance of Fate, Tsubasa Vol. 25, and a disc shooter! Haha best toy ever.
We actually got snow too! SLEDDING FTW! Had not been sledding in forever. Got to go twice! Was so much fun. We had to toboggans and waxed mine. Hehe, we totally are insane and constantly tried connecting the two toboggans together with all 8 of us. xD Epic fail! The girls and I were on the back sledd and connected all our legs together, which resulted in a hilarious moment:
*We all start going... (with help from random people on top of Suicide Hill) until we start going sideways. Guys let go and we all slide to the right, crushing into each other, bodies entangled*
Lexi: Guys! Guys! I can't feel my leg, I think it's broken!
*Lexi picks up and shakes a leg*
Me: Uh... Lex, that's my leg.
Yes, best moment ever.
I was able to finally play Zelda: Twilight Princess thanks to my friend, Justin for borrowing his whole Wii stuff over break (we didn't know we were getting one for Christmas of course). And another friend, Bryan for guiding me and letting me borrow his guide book. Lol we sat down one day and played all day. xD I'm hooked. Unfortunately the Wii is not with us at school because the rest of the family wanted it. Oh well. - . -;
I was also able to play Eternal Sonata! I absolutely love it! Music, imagery, story (even with it's cheesiness, I mean come on... it's a JRPG), and the gorgeous character design! I want to cosplay ALL the characters. Haha! I'm getting a bit frustrated with the battle system though. I'm not fast enough and can't think quick enough. xD Aah well, it is still extremely fun.
Bryan is also the best for watching A Land Before Time with me! *Sigh....* Love, love love that movie! So insanely cute! ♥ :DDD
So now I'm back at school.... and quite bored. :/ I got used to hanging out with friends back home all the time. 8P Aah well it's getting better!
We had a snow day the first day of classes AND last Friday haha! So I will have my first class of Graphics Layout tomorrow. xD Classes seem to be pretty good. Nothing seems exceptionally hard atm. I probably just jinx myself. :x I was looking forward to my poetry class until I learned we had to read aloud and discuss a lot... Stupid stage fright. .__.; I'd rather the professor teach us how to write a poem and such instead of have us read aloud and discuss the poems. = . =; Such is life.
Going to be learning about time travel in my Physical Science class. Should in interesting. > . >
Friends and I watched Eden of the East. AMAZING! The story and concept is fantastic! It does get a bit dry at some parts but I really enjoyed it. The ending could have been a bit better but I'm looking forward to watching the movies that supposedly continue from the anime. :D
AVATAR! The cartoon. Watched Books 1 & 2 in the past couple of days and was blown away! LOVED IT! Made me very happy and actually think about a lot. o___o; Hehe, aah it's philosophical concepts. xD Everything was pretty much perfect, nothing was too cliche in my mind, I was very surprised when things did not go according to plan. I approve! ^ ^
I've been reading The Parasol Protectorate books. I'm on Blameless atm. I really liked Souless with all it's virile werewolves, dandified vampires, mystery, romance, gadgets, tea, hats, and parasol guns and surprisingly hot moments; but the series is slowly starting to get hard for me to get through. Not sure if it's just getting dry or I can't stop relating it to Twilight with an event that happened at the end of Changeless. @.@; I really shouldn't because they are COMPLETELY different but meerr.... I don't know. We'll see how it goes. :P
DBSK has now turned into JYJ!?
And they have an English Album!? * Instantly got it and bought their Empty Remix on iTunes* xD I think they did very well for singing in a foreign language. They could have done without Kanye West though. > . >;\
Anyway, this journal is getting quite long due to me failing again in updating this journal. However, I wont give up!
This has waaaay too many tags. ._____.;
parasol protectorate,
eden of the east,
despicible me,
winter break,
how to train your dragon,
eternal sonata,