Seems it won't be lonely after all. At first I had thought I would be spending the day home alone, which was not really all that big a deal, the kids have plans and so did my love which was okay, no really I was really okay with it all. However, plans got changed (as they are wont to do) and while I feel sorry in regard to the reason for my love's change in plans, it means that we will be together. Because of this I took a lunch break and bought a duck and marveled at how quickly I managed to get to, get through and back from Whole Foods (in only 30 mns) on the day before Thanksgiving. I'm still amazed. Anyway, my love calls me about an hour after I was back at my desk to tell me he'd gone out and bought a duck. There will be much duck in our lives. (much rejoicing - I love me some duck).
On another note:
It's odd to hear right-wing conservatives who do not believe in evolution use the term "survival of the fittest" with regard to the financial market bail out. At least be consistent and talk about how free-market capitalism is part of God's infallible plan.