Mar 18, 2004 22:09
I was going to rant tonight about Rhea County, Tennessee, who want to ban gays from their midst. I was going to point out that this community, feeling empowered by a President who wants to constitutionally mandate intolerance, is proof that Hitler's teachings are alive and well. I wanted to unleash my hatred of a President and his minions who are systematically laying the breeding ground for terrorists (and no, I don't think that's too strong a word), the very group they are supposedly at war with.
But tonight, in this quiet winter bleakness, as I read your journals, I can only marvel at the fortitude of my online brethren, and pray for some of the same. Your words still flow, fluently, brilliantly -- despite your own travails, you seem to win in this venue.
This is still a rant. Enviously penned.