Apr 17, 2004 13:57
Ookay..so I lost my glasses. Again. I only had them back for 2 days! I don't know where the hell they could have gone. I do not have the faintest clue of what I did with them after I cleaned them off that evening. If anyone knows (or has any guess as to) where they are, I would appreciate you sharing that information, cos I really don't like being blind.
Papi had me work in the shop with him today. I missed it, but at the same time I wanted to be doing my own thing. When he wandered off and I'd looked for him for at least an hour, I decided that I'd just go over to the farm. I got together my bag and my guitar and went over to plop down on the porch and chill. Hehe, whenever I got bored playing my guitar, reading, or rough housing with the pups and the boys I'd go chase the chickens around; you have no idea how fun that is!!! The weather is absolutely gorgeous. Perfect. It's starting to cool now, and you can feel the energy building up for a storm. Definitely occasion to dance in the rain, if I'm at Nel's anyway.
New song got poked out on Jesibelle last night. I think I'll play it tonight at the shop if I can get up the nerve and, you know, remember how it goes.
I have two papers to write for Mr. Gaffron by this Friday. I've started one of them, at least. He is such a flustering teacher...grar.
I miss John...like nobody's business (I AM going to bring that back in!) I'm not going to be able to see him till May, unless he comes up to the festival with Sam or some such. I hate being a youngin, just because it keeps me away from so many things. <--insert dramatic, 'woe is me' sigh here