not *so* much a sullen girl anymore

Apr 12, 2004 17:14

It's surprising what an even slightly stimulating conversation can do for one's moral. I suppose it’s my own fault that I haven’t had any decent conversations lately. It isn’t as if I go out of my way to make small talk, and when I do go straight into the brunt of an issue I’d like to address, people look at me oddly tend not to respond. Although, from what I remember, the conversation I did enjoy was lacking in some places - mostly due to my inability to concentrate on one thing for very long. Whatever it was, it was a nice change.

Got another part assigned today: Mary. “What? What is it? You don’t like the name Madison???” Cripes, this woman is insane, but at least I’m not a schizophrenic, one of who’s personalities is a chimpanzee. I’m also the nurse in The Case of Alex Hansen, but I’m not particularly fond of that play, so I’m not terribly excited about it. I got set in lobby display with some fairly rockin’ people though, so that’s cool. I’d sort of like to be a stage manage for one of the performances, just because I’ve never had that experience before. Scooter is on stage during Rapunzel Uncut, so perhaps I can con Songer and Tim into letting be a manager for that.

An 82%? Grr…a plague on your Mr. Gaffron! I want to see my test as well as my analysis (analysis was an 84%, and that means my test must have been somewhere about an 80%, which I can hardly believe.) At the moment, or well, er…moments ago, I was working on an analysis for To Kill a Mockingbird; if I don’t get an A on this I swear something is going to be maimed and/or killed.

Mellie is coming over later to jam. We quite possibly have the formation of another band beginning (as long as Stitz provides us with his wonderful drumming skills, and Jess helps us out with bass.)
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