Jan 25, 2009 01:10
Quick updateyness. I'm sleepy but can't sleep. So I figured I'd bullet point the highlights of the weekend.
Took Friday off to get some stuff done with the old apartment.
Got a zip car so I could move stuff. I miss driving terribly and didn't realize it until getting to drive for a few hours Friday.
Got a $70 parking ticket with said zip car.
Friday night ended up going to a party with Derrick and didn't end up going to karaoke. (will have to take Roshelle out for a b-day drink later)
Met some seriously awesome people at said party. Talked a bunch of shit, waxed philosophically, danced in the living room, drank wine and whiskey, cuddled with new friends, kissed a cute boy and exchanged numbers, watched friends play tetris attack, stayed out way too late and fell asleep smiling.
Spent today packing, cleaning and moving. Thank god for Jessica and Ari. They seriously saved my life. I might have gone crazy without them today. They helped me so so so so much. I'm forever in their debt. Well, until next weekend when I treat them to a breakfast out.
Came home and napped with a heating pad wrapped around my lower back.
Went over to Brie's house and enjoyed much needed girl time. We ate fabulous stir fry, courtesy of her fancy wok, tasty ginger, and magnificent cooking skills. We watched Hackers and Million Dollar Baby. Snuggled with kittens and bs'd about all the wonderfully wonderful things girls need to bs about sometimes.
And tomorrow is work at the cafe. My back is killing me so we'll see how that goes. I'm not looking forward to standing all day. Anyway. Hopefully I can get some decent sleep.
I wish I could just get all my stuff unpacked. I can't wait. It's gonna be awesome. Soon I want to have you all over for a lil house warming of sorts. It will be nice to -actually- have enough space to be able to have people over if I wanna.
Ni'night my lovelies. *muah*