Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic observations. Very short. I haven't played much at all, since it requires a full screen, doesn't let Winamp run in the background, and occasionally messes up my computer's resolution. Also, it crashed my system last time I tried to do anything.
Jecca's thoughts on the matter: My character is totally Revan, only with amnesia or something. I am absolutely convinced of this. I have no idea why, but my mind has decided, and I do not doubt it.
Also, Dantooine is pretty. But doomed. Nothing ever lasts on Dantooine. THIS IS A FACT. All settlements are destroyed. The Empire would've been doing Dantooine a favor if they'd actually blown the thing up. I have been on this planet forever. I don't remember what I'm doing. One of the side missions.
Bastila's a bit annoying! Shut up! Most of the time she's really not so bad, but then she gets all "holier than thou" and I want to make faces at her.
Canderous is my favorite person ever. He hates everyone and likes to say how everyone deserves whatever ill befalls them, and talks about guns, and just has no social tact whatsoever. He is delightful, and I may never take him out of my party ever.
He probably hates me, too, and could probably easily beat me up.
This does not stop me from referring to him as "Candy" in my head.
Kyra insists her name is spelled with a "y" and it's my mistake for listening to my mother and spelling it "Kaira." I will never live this down. It annoys me every time I see her name on the screen.
Carthy McEmo-Pants, when did you stop being annoying? Or have I just always vaguely appreciated your ridiculous (and often ill-received) jokes and inane commentary? Haha. You can stay in my party. I'm sorry I kicked you out for a while. You probably deserved it, though.
I have nothing to say of Mission because I do not use her because, honestly, dear, I just don't care about your brother or whatever, and your arguing with Carthy McEmo-Pants was annoying. Because you were too shouty. I'll put up with Carthy's whining, but I don't want yours.
And I can't even remember how to spell the wookie's name. Zaa... something? ZAALBAR. Yes, him. ...I haven't used him yet.
Honestly, I am trying to follow the Light side, but sometimes this game makes it hard. I keep finding myself becoming highly annoyed with anyone not speaking Basic, because it takes them about twelve times as long as it should to say anything.
Someone speaking Basic: Oh, hello. How are you?
Non-Basic speaker, SAME TEXT: Meeju wanna banna banana fanana bo baba lalala me zu wanna go na bla blang go zang meeju banna banana. Jec caiss ickof makin gup stupi dsoundsno www... Glala la ur muug, ed ec yhudran myhkiyka. Lyh oui nayt ed. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLHA BLAH and if I am still listening at this point, I click to shut them up, because I've already read the translation subtitles eighty times.
Seriously, back on the first planet, I'd initially let them talk through it all, and it took some of them five minutes to get through a conversation. Like, a three or four sentence conversation. It is ridiculous.
... Though then whenever I have the option to select text that I'll "say," I sit there for ever just watching my character's expressions shift around.
It is the most hilarious thing ever. It's like... I am pondering the meaning of life, and many deep existential things!
It is just... it is funny. I will probably still be laughing at it at the end of the game.
Here is a screenshot of my favorite phase of the expressions they run through. (If I ever put up for a paid account, I am totally making an icon of that.) The text on the top is the question the NPC asked me, the stuff on the bottom are my answer choices.
The blob over her right shoulder is Carth.
Why doesn't anyone ever think it's weird that I (and my party members) run around with our weapons out? It's not so bad with the lightsaber, oddly enough, since at least that gets deactivated. But the vibroblades? I was dual-wielding those things everywhere. And my two shadows each had double blaster pistols! (Well, now that Candy's on permanently, I've got one dual-wielding and one using an absolutely massive blaster rifle. He's a Mandalorian, too, which doesn't help any.)
It was snowing this morning! It accumulated a bit - not really anything, but the ground had a white dusting over it.
It later warmed into just rain and there is no trace of snow left anymore, and actually, the first snowfall was last Wednesday (the seventh), when it snowed very briefly in the afternoon.
And by first snowfall, I mean, "first time I saw snow this time around."