Dinner tonight consisted of a baked potato and chocolate cake.
I think the fumes from the wood finish (for the new windows, or at least their frames) are beginning to affect my mother in odd ways.
The router was reset, so now the internet is supposed to be working properly again. IT ISN'T. It slowly declines over time, until it is reset, and then all the sites load (and at decent speeds, too!). It's a bit strange.
The sites that won't load aren't always the same, either, which just seems a bit weird to me. There are a few that always go, though.
Unfortunately, this comes just in time for me to learn that TV Links
has been shut down. Alas. What annoys me ... possibly the most about this is, after I moved Life on Mars to CD, bad things happened to the discs, so episode 6 and... the last one, I think, both have large areas that can't be played, and now I can't speedily load them for whenever my mother gets around to watching them (or, of course, whenever I want to watch them). Augh.
While on the topic of stuff to watch (or not), Torchwood is showing here, but I don't know anyone watching it. No one seems to like it. (It's really unfortunate. By all rights, it should be good. It just... isn't. Mind, that's just In My Opinion.)
Finally, I have rented Session 9, but I'm going to watch it tomorrow when it isn't cold (it's actually not cold. Temperature's up in the 70s for some unimaginably bizarre reason) and dark and raining.
Aaaand, wow, there went the Harry Potter fandom.