DAY TWENTY SIX oh my god she's not dead

Feb 22, 2015 22:41


I bet you're all wondering what the hell happened to me! TOO BAD. Tomorrow is free day. Today, thankfully (for me, since I'm not sure if I could launch back in with a massive wall of text), is the very short "What was your favorite thing about this Christmas?"

MY FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THIS CHRISTMAS WAS a couple things, actually. No one gave me shit about my not wanting to get up super early (I never want to get up as early as the rest of my family wants to get up) on account of my being Busted Leg Girl! (Not actually worst super hero ever, but definitely right up there.) When I was in too much pain to be reasonable and coherent, I was allowed to just take a stupid nap. I do not normally want to nap on Christmas, but it was nice, anyway.

Also my brother got us all some, uh, reusable glow sticks* for Christmas, and it ended up turning into a lightsaber fight, because of course it did. Someone, I think my dad, "cut" my legs off, and I was like, thank you!

Also we all got phones for Christmas, and I'm kinda liking having a smart phone, even if I do mostly only use it for Twitter.

* They're really cool, you twist the tops to turn them on or off and they really look like a glow stick, except they run on batteries and stuff.

[Crossposted from DW. Comments:

mememememe... meme me

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