musha168! "You've been given a duck...... do what you will with that one xD;;"
Soooo one of the funny parts from the after hours of TFCon Chicago was gifted to us by our dear
musha168 in the form of a story about shoddily-translated menus at Chinese restaurants. Specifically for duck, I think cut in half and something something. Or, as the menu put it: "fuck the duck until flat and exploded."
We got a lot of mileage out of that. I am STILL getting mileage out of that.
I went through my teenage years with the expression "fuck-a-duck" being used around the house. It has taken on another life these days.
I do not want to fuck that poor duck. Certainly not until the poor thing is flat and exploded. Is it flat BECAUSE it's exploded? I'm not sure. Frankly, I don't want to know.
... is it a living duck? Is it a friendly duck? I wish to pet it. I will feed it bread bits and stroke its feathers. Then I will take it for a swim somewhere. We had a pretty good melt over Christmas, so maybe I could find a pond or river for it. After we have had our fun adventure, I will send it away, because it is winter and it should go someplace better. And also the cat would probably not like it.
if it is a dead duck then i will hand it off to someone else because i do not know how to prepare duck, but duck is delicious
So this picc line and pump. I have to listen to it go every four hours for at least the next month, guys, I don't know how I'm going to pull this off. I've now gone through two sobbing sessions and the thing hasn't even been in for twelve hours yet.
Crossposted from DW. Comments: