As predicted, this is late. I blame my ankle. Or the hole in my tibia. Perhaps both. Maybe the fatigue that is a side effect of most of the medications they have me on? Do you guys realize how difficult it is to take a bath when you can't put most of one leg anywhere near the water? Super awkward. I have no idea how I'm going to get out of my apartment. I was clearly not thinking about needing crutches when I chose to live somewhere with lots of stairs. Also, I have three bruises on my wrists from two failed and one successful IV sticks.
Anyway. I owe up to three entries today, but we're gonna take this one at a time, possibly with lots of naps between them. I apologise for the incoherency but also I don't care.
First up is the last of
rionaleonhart's "any three from my top-10 favourite fictional characters."
Actually, I have no idea. The first two choices came to me pretty easily, but picking magic number 3 is apparently super difficult. I mean, I've been trying not to think about days in advance, and yeah okay ankle surgery kind of took over my train of thought for a few days, but I've had extra days now (even if I have spent most of them asleep… ugh, medications), so what is my excuse?
But I have decided on a person, anyway. Deal with iiiit.
Since the first two were mostly guys, I had decided the last one had to be a girl, because girls are awesome. Runners up included, but where not limited to:
Prishe from FFXI
Yuna from FFX
Elena from Uncharted
Toph from A:tLA
But in the end, I have decided to go with Rinoa Heartilly, because she is so lovely. ♥
I love so much about her as a character! I mean, she's a teenager, so she does stupid shit, yes, but that is not why we are here today. She ran away from home to start a resistance group, and even though they weren't very good at it, it seemed like her heart was really in it, which I can always admire. Committing to something, oof, scary.
I mean, yeah, the execution of a lot of her ideas is terrible, but her ideas themselves usually aren't so bad, and she at least tries to act on them. I think she does pretty well, considering that of the main crew, she's the only one without any background training. I mean, no, Irvine's not actually a member of SeeD, but he still spent plenty of time in GARDEN.
She didn't like her father and THAT WAS OKAY! That was a really big deal to me when I first played FFVIII, because my father and I were well beyond getting along at that point in my life, but everyone was always, oh, he just wants what's best for you! Oh, he's just worried! And all those stupid family sitcoms where the daughter loves her father soooooo much and goes running up to hug him hello and coo at him whenever he gets home, which my father watched way too much of that sort of stuff and I'm pretty sure didn't understand why I didn't act like that. And here was this cool girl who was like I HATE MY FATHER and it was (mostly) not like a huge thing for the other characters? I mean yeah okay half of them never knew having parents, but still. I appreciated it.
Though Quistis giving into her self-doubt and feeling like she had to go back and apologize to Rinoa after her totally not uncalled for explosion always annoyed me. It's okay, Quistis! Please be nicer to yourself!
I liked how, even though she was scared about it, she was going to go along with having herself frozen like Adel had been to keep people safe. (I am also glad that ended up not happening.)
SHE SPEAKS HER MIND without apology, which is always great to see. She sees a guy she thinks is cute, she asks him to dance. Whatever! And people aren't out there like, that bitch how dare she.
And, yeah, as I've said in the past, I have a huuuuge appreciation for her ability to work WITH Squall to get him to open up, instead of inadvertently working against him the way everyone else seemed to.
Also, her dog is pretty great. Major points for dog-having.
BUT MOSTLY I ADORE HER because she's brave and strong and kind. And probably at least a bit because she's one of those hugely hated characters and a lot of times if I find out a character is really hated I like them out of spite.
now for more sleeping zzzzz
Crossposted from DW. Comments: