blah blah blah

Sep 20, 2014 21:01

Frequently while I'm at work, I think of things I could write about, and then when I get home I either remember absolutely none of it or I'm tired and don't feel like it, ooor I get sucked into doing something else entirely (which is usually one of my games, and the people I know there talk to me sometimes, which is always kinda nice to not feel completely alone and ignored). Now I'm watching Doctor Who after being really, really productive for about an hour this afternoon and then doing not really much of anything else. (Wow, I can't understand anything the mystery guy in the video at the beginning of this episode is saying.)

I have finally purchased Final Fantasy XIII-3! Yes, I know the name is not that, but that is what I call it. I finally found it at a price I don't mind paying! Yay! (If you are like me and either short on funds or just hate paying $50+ for a video game (even a used one! Why are used copies still so expensive?!), and if you play on a PS3), maybe you should check it out on woot. :3 So now I just have to wait for it to arrive. COME ON, POSTAL SERVICE. Bring me my gaaaaame. It's gonna be exciting to see how I do with with a single-player after a solid year of nothing but MMOs. I predict A LOT of accidental menu opening and pausing. Jump is Triangle is usually menu. The menu is opened with start, which is pause.

oh, come on, Clara, you're the Impossible Girl. You're awesome, you can do anything, and that includes clearing your mind of thoughts.

OKAY FINE DON'T. You'll get it next time.

Anyway. uuummmmmm. Oh! I got my October trips all set to go, finally. Yay! So now I get to pop off to Las Vegas for SUPER EXCITING FAN FEST FFXIV I can't wait. I tricked my brother into coming with me, so now I at least have one definitely roommate. Woooo. (Of course, there's still room, so if anyone wants to shell out for last minute airfare and spend a weekend in Vegas at the Rio, just let me know.)

And then I bust home and work a few days (not even a full week, my goodness!) and then it's off to Chicago for TFCon! Which I am ALSO ridiculously excited for! eeeeeeee

eeeeeeee X3

LOTS OF STUFF HAPPENED THIS SUMMER or at least more than you'd think considering my posting record jesus christ I have entries from LAST OCTOBER on my top page or at least I did until posting this now it's just last November which is still ridiculous. Probably a BotCon entry would be pointless at this stage, but maybe I'll put a short thing up later. (haha, that was a good joke, wasn't it?)

Also the latest Transformers movie, which although I liked it well enough, I only saw once, because it was really long and apparently two hours and forty five minutes is reasonable but three hours is just an out of control length.

Now the episode is over. A touch predictable by the end, but I still enjoyed it. Woo.

Actually, speaking of BotCon and Age of Extinction, while I was in Pasadena, I talked to someone who actually knew another Transformers fan from VT, so I talked to her (the VT girl) and we exchanged phone numbers and texted a bit and then ended up at the same showing on opening night and everything was fine until for absolutely no reason she went on a tangent about how gay robots make no sense and that's why she writes stories where Rodimus is the son of Optimus and Elita.

And here's the thing. I don't really care if you want to right about robots having kids, or whatever. I don't like it, but I don't have to read it/look at it/anything. You want pregnant robots? Well, we all have our kinks, I suppose, but don't you tell me "gay robots don't make sense" and then have them reproduce sexually.

Also, not sure you've noticed this, but the ratio of female to male Transformers? It's, er. It's not great. Better than The Smurfs, sure, but that's not exactly saying much.


Do you go around saying the same thing about people? Do gay people not make sense? I mean, okay, looking at it strictly from the idea of PROCREATION, sure, no, maybe not. Neither do asexuals. Neither does anything other than straight-up PIV for the express purpose of making babies. NEITHER DO A LOT OF THINGS. (I don't even know where romanticism would fit into this debate. Probably not anywhere.)

And I did not say anything to her, of course, because I did not want to freak out and go on a tangent or anything, but (perhaps obviously) this quite upset me. And here I'd say something rude and stereotyping based off of her usual internet grounds BUT I GUESS I'M NOT but wow I thought it. Site-ism. The newest form of prejudice. Haven't heard from her since, though, so possibly my face gave me away.


oh wait no SPEAKING OF GAY ROBOTS, MTMTE AUGH. THAT ENDING. I don't trust it! I want it to be happy and good and everything is going to go wrong, I just know it. JAMES ROBERTS. You are a terrible, wonderful man. Your aim of creating feelings of apprehension in your readers is coming along well. Ugh. I just can't cope with this series, you guys. I love it so much. Everything is wonderful, except everything is so, so awful.

And speaking of female Transformers, WHERE IS MY NAUTICA TOY, HASBRO? WHERE. WHERE IS SHE.

I started reading The Dresden Files over the summer because the first 7 books were on sale on Amazon one day and some guy at work who also reads a lot had been encouraging me to give them a shot. And I guess they weren't too bad, but I was pretty thoroughly done with it by the time I got to the end of the books I had, and the series keeps going. Does Harry at any point stop getting beat half to death because of increasingly stupid things he does? Does he ever learn to get to bed so he's not exhausted from lack of sleep by the end of the story? Does his respect for women ever evolve to not telling us about their sexy, sexy boobs and butts and bellies? I don't particularly care at. And if I never see the phrase "Hell's bells" in print again, it'll be too soon.

I got distracted and now I don't remember if I was going anywhere else with this entry.

[Crossposted from DW. Comments:

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