Jun 16, 2013 21:09

Hey so it turns out I've been pronouncing Eorzea wrong all this time? Whoops. (Though, eleven years later - 11 FREAKING YEARS OF FFXI oh my god - I and everyone I know still pronounce Bastok wrong. Sorry, Squeenix, no one says Bast-ook.)

Phase three of beta for the relaunch of Final Fantasy XIV started on Friday. For some stupid reason, they're still doing 48 hour runs on the weekend, so it is closed again, but that's okay, because I have shit to get done.

The opening movie is on YouTube, am I violating the non-disclosure agreement if I link to it? I don't know. Here it is, anyway! I didn't post it, so maybe that counts for something.

Guyyyys I am so ridiculous, I loaded up the launcher and watched the movie and almost immediately after it started I began kinda crying like, what? I MISSED YOU, GAME, I MISSED YOU SO BADLY I CANNOT EVEN. What the hell? WHAT THE HELL. I recentlyish lowered my dosage of antidepressants and that is my only excuse for my emotional state and it's a very, very weak one but whatever. I just. My baby! She got eaten by a moon dragon!

Well, she didn't. But shut up. I have theories about why XIV has consumed me so badly even while offline, I keep meaning to make an entry.

HOLY SHIT THE CHARACTER CREATOR IS THE BEST THING EVER OMG. So. Many. CHOICES. Uuugh I just remembered all my screenshots are over on the tower. I'll have to collect them to post later.

IT JUST. It is looking so beautiful. They have really polished things since the last round. Added little glows and sparkles and sharpened edges a bit, smoothed off the round things. And now they have like a real night (sort of), in that the sky gets dark and full of stars and it is DAZZLING oh my goodness. You're still surrounded by a large bubble of light, so you can see, which, okay, fine it makes sense I guess but BAH. it could totally be darker, is all I'm saying.

And the field areas! LA NOSCEA YOU ARE GORGEOUS! It's a shame I can't stand the NPCs in Limsa, or I would move out there in a heartbeat. Just, wow. LL is a bit better, too. I'm still not a huge fan of the layout, but it at least seems to make a little more sense than it originally did. Thanks for that, at least, Bahamut. ALSO AHLDSKYF SURVIVES. Ahahaha, YESSSS.

(He, uh. He's an NPC who doesn't do anything other than have an awesome name and awesome facial hair. But he's sort of a running joke with my brother and I was so distressed to think he might have disappeared.)

The possibly only a placeholder opening for Limsa Lominsa is disappointing, though. NO SEA SERPENT. Woe. :(

BUT FEMALE ROEGADYN. Holy cow. I've made one and I will be recreating her for relaunch. She will not be my main, of course (RANA ♥), but maaaan they are so awesome. I MUST HAVE ONE.

Ul'dah, meanwhile, I'm not sure the layout has actually really changed? I mean, the way out of town is shorter, but that is... about it? I mean, yeah, minor tweaks. I guess they avoided the worst of it, which is funny considering for a good while there, everyone was convinced that city more than any other was going to be burnt to the ground. Surprise!

The outside is way different, though. (All the outside areas are, really.) There are a bunch more NPCs just chilling, and now there is a massive stairwell leading up to the entrance. Where did THAT come from? Whatever. I think the trees got bigger? It's all very pretty, anyway. Not as lovely as La Noscea, of course.

The possibly opening was really dull, though. It was exactly like the one for Gridania, only with LESS MOOGLES. Though the moogles are a new addition, so maybe they'll change that. (You're riding in a cart, some crazy merchant talks to you, you get stopped by the city guards and then attached by the local beastmen.) Also, each city now features a pair of white-haired uh, teenagers? I don't know. They don't say anything. I've been referring to them as the wondertwins. They're obviously important, to be at all three cities.

Did I ever talk about Gridania? It's easily the most changed city. I guess because trees are highly flammable. Anyway, the whole town's been rearranged a bit - not entirely, but enough for me to get confused, and the outside is completely different. They were going to do that, anyway, though, see... Originally, the outside area was just a bunch of paths. It was a forest, sure, but you were stuck in narrow passage ways almost all of the time. Now it's wiiiide open.

Because all the bloody massive trees blocking all the open space went up in flames, I mean. But it's regrowing! And it's pretty!

But I think the stump where you leave stuff for moogles to repair moved. I don't know how the hell they pulled that one off. It's a STUMP. It doesn't move!

Something I noticed that they'd done this time - first phases, there were places where you'd trigger a cutscene and the screen would black out saying something about spoilers, but they still showed the dialogue boxes. Those instances are now gone completely. I'm glad, because the black screening was kinda silly. This way it can be a surprise!

BIGGEST BUMMER: because of the giant rush of ether that resulted in, uh, everything during the apocalypse back in November, NO ONE REMEMBERS US. I mean, they remember we were there and fought to save everything, but they can't remember our names or faces. MOM HAS FORGOTTEN ME woe woe woe. It's okay mom! I still love you. You're still better than the Hyur in Limsa and the Lalafell in Ul'dah.

It doesn't launch for realsies until August 27, but it is so, so on the right track and I am SO EXCITED. It is looking so, so good.

Yes, I have already preodered it. No, I didn't need to (legacy members get a free update via download), but the collector's edition comes with STUFF, and I guess I have a weakness.

Man, I wish FFXI ever came with STUFF.

Anyway that's all until I get my damn screenshots.


Related to nothing, I listen to this track way more than is strictly necessary. It's AWESOME and the credits it plays over are awesome and basically EVERYTHING IS AWESOME AND FUCK YES I CAN DIG IT.

[Crossposted from DW. Comments:

my mithra is cuter than your mithra, my mithra is a miqo'te

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