More Than Meets the Eye, kindly stop doing unkind things to my emotions. My poor little heart can barely stand it.
(Is anyone reading this series? I don't really follow Robots in Disguise, except for when I see people in the discussion forums making too many vague references to it - so I only know the general gist of what happened recently
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Comments 5
Ultra Magnus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ratchet. Ratchet is magnificent. I like a lot of these guys, but I don't love any of them with the unreserved whole love I do have for Ratchet. <3 ( ... )
Ratchet, omg, he is seriously the best ever. And Ultra Magnus! And Skiiids, ahaha, so wonderful. Man, I even like Whirl, and he's a violent lunatic. And Roddy, I cannot not love him. EVEN WHEN HE IS STUPID.
I never, ever thought I would be sad to see Drift leave. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME, ROBERTS. Ugh ( ... )
I wish we could always have this level of awesome characters. It is like glorious fanfiction, only it is canon. (And how about the whole Chromedome/Rewind thing? Aw, man. I knooow, the cleaning and the music and ULTRA MAGNUS YOU HAVE TO GET BETTER. AND THE SCENE BETWEEN RATCHET AND DRIFT IN 16 OH I CAN'T TAKE IT *sob sob* capslocks of emotion ;___;
LOST LIGHT SHENANIGANS FOREVER. I wanna see more of the bizarre horrors unleashed by Brainstorm. And movie night! And more time where they all sit around drinking and telling stories! And then they can punch each other. AND NO ONE DIES.
Oh, phew. I don't think I could've taken it if something seriously awful (... not that those all aren't, but it could've been so much worse) had happened to anyone else ( ... )
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